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Everything posted by paul71

  1. sorry ratch id not finished writing and id accidently sent it when i got side tracked and not noticed and it sounded a bit off and patronising to you i do apologise for that as i was saying its turned out well ratch i like the orange and black, have you found the cars easier to build the more you make I've only built one and sometime ago, just bought the bundel with the work station and mat which now comes with a car for my son and i can see him asking for help with it
  2. ive had that problem with paint before silver on a P51 mustang, found that if you keep brushing it gently as it sort of dries it brakes the surface tension and starts to cover wont be perfect and it will take a few coats but it works and covers well in the end. its turned out well ratch
  3. the baltimore looks great a nice finish with the white, white is a night mare colour for me it never goes on right so i tend to stay away from it and practice on small things paul
  4. storage for my paints files clamps and bits in the big one, in the small one spare decals left over or new bought sets, left over parts and old instruction sheets
  5. Hi richard i use draws they dont take a lot of room up, the draws come in different depths so look around to find ones that will take the bottles, mine only take the tins as I've had them some time but as i get more bottles i will get some new ones that they will fit in
  6. thanks ratch i will try some different types of superglue and see what works, what make do you use on yours
  7. thanks for the info ratch, I've given it a try but the superglue failed to work didn't stick at all is there a difference in the plastics they used over the years
  8. that's ended up looking great well done
  9. hi ratch I've made a start on painting some figures but what glue do you use for gluing the trollies that come with them I've tried a few different ones but nothing has worked and i know you have changed the heads of some and if i give this a go in the future i will have a few headless people wondering about paul
  10. not something i would have looked at but it has been interesting to see, thanks ratch
  11. its a nice build ratch, you chose right to do it green its the colour everyone seems remember
  12. its not looking too bad ratch but we all have those that turn into a nightmare build.
  13. a cracking build ratch enjoyed watching this ( even though I've fell behind with it a bit this past few weeks) it might be one to consider in the future paul
  14. the barracuda looks great its a nice setting with the figures paul
  15. i like this ratch its one of those cars that has stuck in my memory ever since i saw one as a litte kid. its a nice looking kit you have done well with it
  16. its turned out well a nice looking kit
  17. some great P38s there the bare metal finish is really good paul
  18. its a good way of using the extra parts instead of them just sitting in a box, im building up my spairs but im a slow builder so its taking some time paul
  19. are these ok for you ratch kings cliffe may 1944 P38 parked up at kings cliffe may 1944
  20. a nice interesting read ratch
  21. I built this some time ago and forgot to put the weight in the nose, so i would say put as much weight as you can get in as the tail is heavy compaired to the nose as i found out the hard way mine now has a bit of sprue under the tail to keep it up paul
  22. hears N3641 at oakington in 1940 if you are thinking of doing another one there is some pictures of early stirlings with a similar scheme and a light coloured under side. numbers iv got for them is N3635 and N3638
  23. enjoyed looking and reading this heather you have done a great looking model. paul
  24. like the paint job ratch and the weathering is good (not that i can realy say much about weathering as its something I've not done yet) been good to see the build enjoyed reading and seeing it come along. As a side note to the black and white photographs pointing out colours to people if that's ok. you have done a good example to how difficult it is to work out colours from b/w and people argue so much about it. you can see the 3 colours in the colour pics but in the b/w the two lighter colours start to blend into 1 especially on the back and if you didn't have the reference of the colour pic for the lines you could mistake it as just having 2 colours and the ambulance looks a lighter colour altogether.
  25. this is looking good ratch, and a well designed kit you are doing justice to.
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