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Everything posted by paul71

  1. cracking build ratch enjoyed watching this, its one i will be getting at some point
  2. been in tesco today and they had a few starter sets tucked away on bottom shelf for £12 all cars but with the tesco clubcard i picked up the jaguar E type up for £9 a nice little stocking filler for christmas
  3. that's something new I've learnt about the typhoon and the size of stripes i shall have to try and remember that or at least read more about this aircraft
  4. lidl are getting some more airfix usual ones
  5. its looking good, you never disappoint ratch i get plenty of tips from you which do help a lot.
  6. i can remember reading that some ground crews used the yard brush to paint the stripes giving them the width of the stripes ( think this was the biggest brush that could fit in the tin /bucket they used all at once ) but i have got pictures where the white stripe is one size and the black stripes are a different size also got some pictures of ground crew using hand brushes. as for patchy looking some appear to have a good even coverage but i did read that some were patchy as these were rushed because the aircraft were painted just before they flew on operations ( the ground crews been at it all night or only just receiving the orders eary in the morning, some squadrons never receiving the order and flew without stripes) most appear to have quite a neat edge to the eye. black seams to weather much better than the white I've got one picture where the stripes are been repainted sometime after D-Day.
  7. this is a nice looking kit one i shall be getting in the future, had been looking around at other manufactures for it but now airfix have done it saves looking any further, i always liked the aircraft but got even more of an interest in it after seeing it at cosford, enjoying watching the build and how you get on with it
  8. paul71

    A local Stirling

    a nice interesting story ratch, build is looking good thank goodness for the box of spares
  9. aldi are getting airfix back in from thursday 23 november not got many listed as they usually do but this time they have got the cromwell MK IV tank £6.99 again
  10. that looks good randall you have really got the knack of doing white.
  11. just been looking at hobby craft web site and they now have airfix back in stock only listing 27 items but its a start, looks like they have sorted there differences out, nothing for humbrol yet hopefully they will start to stock these again
  12. these have come out well ratch, its interesting how you use different washes on them ( i didnt have any to use on the raf set i did so its still some thing I've not tried yet)
  13. im guessing its acrylic paint, if the paint isnt solid but more dry and crumbly try adding a few drops of water and mixing it in and then adding more drops as you go along till its a nice consistency you can paint with I've managed to fetch a few pots back to life not all of them but a few its worth a try
  14. that's a great build, i do enjoy seeing what you are able to do with these
  15. that's a good looking build ratch well done with the rigging that must have taken some time
  16. i use clear gloss and have found that hot humid weather ( the really high temperatures we have been getting) can affect it it sort of goes white in places but another coat of gloss can usually sort most of this out when the previous coat its fully dried, and i would guess cold damp air would also affect it so i make sure the room im in is warm and dry ( air not damp like condensation on windows) and stays warm till the gloss has dried so i don't gloss anything in from late afternoon in the winter as the air can become damp as the room cools over night. I make sure the paint is dry usually by leaving it at least two days ( that suits my style of building models anyway ) and give it two light coats by brush over a couple of days making sure each coat is fully dry, if you put it on too thick it can pool in places and go tacky as humbrol clear finds its own level, it is worth looking at humbrols channel on how to use there products there is some good tips on them some might work for you some might not we all have our own way of doing things and what works for us. As for paints i have used it on humbrol acrylics, enamels revell acrylics, enamels and vallejo model air and not had a problem with them affecting the actual paint. hope this point you in a direction that works for you, as for me i just keep trying different things to see what does work and suits me you never really know till you try it paul
  17. I use the small humbrol acrylic pots that come with starter sets and humbrol enamel tins also used revell acrylic and enamels and vallejo model air, never primed a kit yet but i do give them a wash in warm soapy water first then rinse in warm water and let them air dry for a day. I do let the acrylic / enamel paint dry for a day or so before masking ( but im a slow builder i can go over a week without touching it). what did you use for masking it off, i use tamiya and the model craft collection masking tape and not had a problem with these pulling the paint off paul
  18. nice one ratch the base in the second one with all the scatter and grass makes it much more interesting and really sets it off
  19. had my first go at doing some figures after wanting to do something different, i gave them a going over with thinned white glue and water painted then sealed them with humbrol clear matt varnish which left white marks all over them so went over them again with humbrol clear gloss varnish and that has sorted some of it out. i can see in the pictures bits that haven't been painted right but sadly that's my eyes even with glasses and a magnifier i couldn't see them and they looked ok to me.
  20. a nice set id struggle to do 1 kit in 5 days paul
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