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Everything posted by paul71

  1. what's your plan for those then ratch
  2. Don't be abrupt with people who are trying to help you, I don't work for airfix either I'm just a modeler like you everybody on here are just modelers you would be lucky to find someone from airfix on here they haven't been seen since this was all redone. now you have mentioned the actual colours its much easer and clearer to see what you are saying and its that they didn't list all the colours for you to buy all at the same time and if they had shown the back of the box in a picture or you had got it from a shop you would have seen it, if you had bought it online from another retailer you would have had the same problem we have all gone through that and had to buy paints afterwards. as you build your collection of paints up things like this wont be an issue, even now i have still have to get some paints to finish a kit, humbrol didn't have all the colours i needed so i bought vallejo RLM set to do mine.
  3. most manufactures seem to only list the main paints to paint the plane on the out side of there boxes as for what is listed on the web site I've only looked at airfix so cant really pass a comment on other manufactures web sites and how they compare. the other paints listed in the instructions for other bits are there if you want to do a more detailed job of painting it, these paints we build up over time some parts i paint to a close colour i have in my box, but all manufactures seem to list the closest colour in there range and not always the actual colour of the aircraft the colour could be a shade lighter or darker in there range. the more experience i get the more i look around at other paints and painting lists for actual aircraft and build up my paints from looking at these.
  4. i do like theses colours randall, and looking at these I'm thinking I've got to get one of these kits to build at some point.
  5. I had to get in touch with airfix spares at christmas son had been given a harrier quick build and it had a duplicate part and was missing the part for the next stage, i sent an email christmas day saying which part was missing and included a photo of the duplicate parts and gave them the code off the box which i had this time, the previous time i asked for a spare i didn't have it and once again no receipt as it was again a present for him ( the previous request was again for a quick build) i got an acknowledgment to say they had received the part request the same day(it was an automated response) and a few days later an email saying the part was on its way, both times i have found the service to be excellent.
  6. It would be nice to see these again.
  7. great looking vehicles heather and such a variety, I'm going to have to look into other manufactures since airfix wont be fetching any more vehicle kits out this year, i was hoping they would rerelease some.
  8. im not disappointed either think there is some great releases this year im just hoping i can afford to buy them
  9. these look good ratch, the sets look interesting I've not seen them painted before.
  10. looks really good the dragon nose art is one of my favourites
  11. the crossley is different its an interesting kit its good to see it
  12. the repair truck is an interesting one randall like the colours on it
  13. thats a nice setup its a good little kit the towing cables make a difference, did you use the paints that came with it.
  14. F-35B taken by me in 2016 ZM137 you can clearly see the RAM tape around edges of panels and leading edges engine air intake all the panels are flush only the RAM tape sits proud a little bit looking at ZM137 nose on you can see how flush the panels are and the RAM tape hardly shows being only slightly proud F-35A AF 125058 again taken by me in 2016 you can see how flush everything is F-35B taken by me in 2023 ZM155 if you look closely you can see the RAM tape the colour is now much closer to the colour of the aircraft
  15. Dominic has posted a picture of the RAF F-35B which is a short-take off and vertical landing (stovl) aircraft, simply its a new version of the harrier technology of taking off and landing this aircraft has an opening on top of the body and an opening underneath blowing air down and a roll post one each side with the engine nozzle being able to point down directing thrust from the engine straight down, the harrier having four nozzles two on each side directing thrust from the engine. Tom has posted a picture of the american F-35C which is the carrier variant, which is a catapult assisted take-off but arrested recovery (catobar) aircraft, same as the F-14 F-18 aircraft as seen in the top gun films, it does not have stovl capabilities. As tom has posted a picture showing the top of the aircraft and saying how smooth it looks and no tape or paint on the panel lines as for as i know this is because there is no opening panels there like on the F-35B. The F-35 A/B/C are all slightly different aircraft sharing the same basic airframe, as for the tape im not 100% sure but i think it was used on the edge of the opening panels so as to help reduce the chance of them sending a signal back on radar.
  16. there's some good looking kits been built not seen the ace kits before they look interesting, got a few airfix kits waiting to be built, not built any at all was going to start them but had to put things on hold due to having to move, wish airfix would do a bigger range of raf vehicles in 1:72 even if they are just reissues of the older moulds
  17. got a couple of these in stash not been bothered about doing them but after looking at these i will have to think about them they look a much better kit than i thought they were
  18. liking the mitchell randall its one I've not got myself, are those aftermarket decals its a colour pattern I've not seen before and the star in a yellow circle makes me think of operation torch sort of time
  19. Hi ian you might have already seen my answer before as i had all ready answered the question in an earlier post a little bit further down the page and i just copied some of it into here for you, its worth looking through the pages as i got loads of information from them when i first started on here but if you cant find an answer in there just ask, if someone has an answer they will post it for you but it can take a few days to get an answer. i use clear gloss and have found that hot humid weather ( the really high temperatures we have been getting) can affect it it sort of goes white in places but another coat of gloss can usually sort most of this out when the previous coat its fully dried, and i would guess cold damp air would also affect it so i make sure the room im in is warm and dry ( air not damp like condensation on windows) and stays warm till the gloss has dried so i don't gloss anything in from late afternoon in the winter as the air can become damp as the room cools over night. I make sure the paint is dry usually by leaving it at least two days ( that suits my style of building models anyway ) and give it two light coats by brush over a couple of days making sure each coat is fully dry, if you put it on too thick it can pool in places and go tacky as humbrol clear finds its own level, it is worth looking at humbrols channel on how to use there products there is some good tips on them some might work for you some might not we all have our own way of doing things and what works for us.
  20. its a nice set up ratch with the figures gives it a different aspect and the SR 71 is an impressive aircraft and i think you have captured that with your build
  21. im a bit behind with things, the rigging on the gladiators is really good once again your skill at doing it is excellent, the two tone paintwork isn't something you see very often. I have to admit the dauntless has to be one of my favourites you have built i think the colours and weathering are great. As for the PZL its not a kit I've seen built before its an interesting kit that you have built to your usually high standard.
  22. Like you ratch its not an aircraft i would buy, been interesting to read the build though and the kit does look good, you have done a good job at building it ratch like the wings folded up on it
  23. thats a nice finish to it randall, if i get any damaged boxes i have a big box (airfix VE-DAY set) i put them into to keep things together till i get around to doing it, i bought the box full of different kits from other sets and i still use it like that.
  24. Hi darcy im one of the 51 people who looked but since I've never looked at or used a jig i simply couldn't answer your question, people on here wont give you the wrong information just for fun, keep asking the questions if people have an answer they will help sometimes it just takes a bit of time to get an answer.
  25. paul71

    A local Stirling

    its a good looking kit for its age, you done a great job building, i think it looks a lot better on the stand in flight.
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