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Everything posted by RB51

  1. See the other thread on this subject. R-
  2. I have to report that one set of my points has developed a fault in that it only throws completely in one direction. Even off the board it needs some serious finger pressure to work correctly so the servo stands no chance. Anyway, a quick call to Tech Services and a replacement is being sent out. Didn't want the duff one returned. Can't fault that service. R-
  3. The option you are after does not exist. The only way to do this is to insert your own label and edit it to suit your requirements. Label edit options are very limited. R-
  4. I successfully sold twice to Hattons. You do have to negotiate the price "up" though, and I believe they pay the postage once you've agreed. Well worth doing in my view. R-
  5. Hi Ken, I agree with Yelrow, if they can Hornby will always assist where possible. I have removed the extra punctuation you used in your title, as it can interfere with the search function. R-
  6. Just seen this. If it’s of any use I use the small sg90 servo motors, from HobbyKing, controlled by a Megapoints controller off, as Rob says, TGG. R-
  7. And then come back on here and let others know. R-
  8. Hello Tim, welcome to the forum. You have posted on an old conversation thread and you should ideally start a new one. The General Discussion area is fine just use a title that reflects your query such as Class 37 motor conversion. You can copy your post content from here and paste it in the new location. I could do it for you but it will look like my query- not yours. When done you can delete your post in this thread. Also there is no need to start a new paragraph, the forum software does it for you. Posts just end up with double spacing. R-
  9. In addition the repeat of an image in quoted replies does the same thing. There is some work going on currently to revamp the forum so we can feed this in. R-
  10. A fascinating read Bee. The Builder is reserved for later consumption. Thank you. R-
  11. Thanks for this. That will help me to determine my wiring requirements. R-
  12. Given the awkwardness of the forum structure it is easy to miss those posts that could be better constructed. That and the currently poor search facility make it imperative that queries are accurately and as fully described as possible so that those scanning the forum can make a choice about whether or not to respond. It also means that search results for topics are more accurately returned the better the title. Any guidance as to issues that could be tidied up are most welcome and not considered pedantic. These are not generally, and certainly in this case, breaches of forum rules. We are told that the forum structure is being looked at. As this topic seems to be answered this thread is now locked. @Lyndon. You may wish to pursue your own topic separately. R-
  13. Don’t worry about it Steve, all part of the joy of moderation. Arcane is indeed appropriate. R-
  14. Great photo. You had in fact successfully posted 4 times. I’ve deleted the duplicates, you might get a system e-Mail about it. Unfortunately the “Your post has been successful” pop-up appears in an unhelpful location. We are trying to get this amended, but in the meantime if folk would be good enough to post once and look for the notification it would be appreciated. R-
  15. Hi Engine Shed, welcome to the forum. I have edited your title to reflect your issue and become searchable in future. The title you used was too general. Please feel free to change it using the three buttons top right of your post if you wish. R-
  16. Good to see you Ralf, glad you have sorted out the browser issue. R-
  17. Thanks Steve, ‘‘twas as suggested. R-
  18. Please come back and tell us the outcome. R-
  19. As you say the radius printed on the packaging does not match the radius printed on the track setta guides. Wrongly packed item? Give them a call. R-
  20. I think we're all on the same page now. Shall we continue re The Xmas Sale? R-
  21. Very nice. Just a couple of pointers if I may. Your 3rd image was upside down. I have corrected it but for future reference you need to keep the device you are using in the same orientation. For devices with a home button keep this at the bottom or to the right when taking your shot. If you are able to add running loops to this current layout you may wish to consider another crossover in the opposite direction to the one you have. Otherwise traffic will have to reverse to change loops. R-
  22. Club renewal emails are being released in batches. You might have to wait a little longer. R-
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