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Dark Earth

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Everything posted by Dark Earth

  1. Just curious if anyone knows . . . Was this a mold that was common to both Airfox and Heller ? Chris
  2. Nicely Done Sir ! Just curious - it looks like it might have had an option for wingtip folds . . . Is that the case ? A very attractive aircraft - and a nice finish on that one. Chris
  3. Nicely done Man. A very striking little number ! Chris
  4. Very nicely done Heather. What a great little dio ! Chris
  5. As a fellow brushpainter - I feel your pain ! Brush painting white is tough. I often resort to a rattle can for white. And even then - it doesn't look great because I can't find a paint that goes on thin enough. But to my eyes - those Bucs look very nicely built and painted ! A nice variety of schemes and a very unique aircraft. Bravo ! Chris
  6. Mmmmm nice ! Are we going to see a 1/24 Hellcat in a Red Arrows scheme ?
  7. Ooooooo ! Pretty ! Chris
  8. Nice job Colin. That's a big kit ! Chris
  9. Pretty - definitely ! And looking decidedly better than mediocre ! Chris
  10. Very nice T ! Looking forward to the finished shots. Very nice paint work. Chris
  11. Very nice work on the metal and painted fabric finishes. A beautiful biplane - obvious that it's the Sire of the Hurri. Chris
  12. Hi T, The Hurricane is a personal favorite. This Mk. IId in 1/72 scale is a rare bird. So I am also looking forward to this build - and adding it to my small family of Hurri's in the chosen scale. Chris
  13. Here are some pictures of a rig I used in the past to display 1/72 and smaller 1/48 model A/C. It is made of a 1" x 2"x 4ft pine bar, with small disks screwed at 5" intervals. The pine bar was screwed to the ceiling. Each of the discs has a central hole to screw it to the pine, and 2 smaller holes to thread a fishing line through. /media/tinymce_upload/191ea177ef82d00ee50724b3473a737d.jpg /media/tinymce_upload/a611b056c7ef438ee8c795e7eff0e9c1.jpgI would loop a section of fishing line around the nose of the plane, thread the line through the holes in a disc, and loop the other end of the line around the tail of the plane. Each disc had 3 lines running through it of progressively longer lengths so that 3 models hung from each disc. So the entire rig could display 30 aircraft (or 27 a/c and some star wars ships). One nice thing about this rig is that each kit can be adjusted in pitch roll and yaw. It's great for the obsessive /compulsive in me that needs to have everything "just right". And I thought the overall effect was kinda impressive. Sorry I don't have any pictures of the filled rig on display. It was taken down several years ago. Now all my models are on shelves in my basement modelling area. Chris
  14. This arrived last week from across the pond. Hurricane Mark IId conversion parts. Very nice. The decal sheet is a bit less than what I was expecting, but it will be no problem. A desert ground dio is planned with maintenance being done on one of the the cannons with the shroud removed. These are sharp, flash-free injection molded parts. /media/tinymce_upload/e4f13f8d15125b20b1b9a75e5d5d6761.jpg
  15. Nicely done Richard ! On the original - and on the scale version ! Chris
  16. Wolfy - very nicely done paint and decal work. It's a pretty bird to be sure. As another Vulcan said at one time . . . Model on and prosper ! Chris
  17. Very impressive painting T. Looks like a great kit and a fine build. Chris
  18. Very impressive work Ian. Love the weathering ! Chris
  19. Looking very nice Jeff. Looking forward to the decal work. Chris
  20. When cutting open panels, doors, or flaps, I usually scribe over the line with an xacto blade many times, taking off a bit of depth each time. I don't try to cut through all at once. It takes a little longer, but it is much gentler to the plastic. Chris
  21. 1/72 SBD Dauntless. That's all. Chris
  22. Very nice Jeff. A graceful and attractive bird that one ! Chris
  23. Ah yes . . . White is the bane of every brush painter ! Two techniques I've adopted to help in this (being a fellow weilder of the hairy stick). First, I don't use pure white. I use light aircraft grey. I find that it goes on more opaque, and it doesnt look as "shocking" white. This is especially true for invasion stripes on 1/72 and smaler scale a/c. Second, as was mentioned, I use several coats of thinned paint. Just . . . Keep . . . Painting . . . Chris
  24. Those little Hurri's are a pleasure to build - a gem of a kit. And you've done a superb job on this one. Chris
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