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What About The Bee

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Posts posted by What About The Bee

  1. Hi Rallymatt

    Actual words??  Perish the thought!

    I do believe some good things have come out of this thread, moaning aside.  Yes, the format is different.  Whoop dee doo.  For the most part, there are the same knowledgeable folks here, which of course, is the real measure of any social media.  

    I also think that Forum Accessibility should be a pinned post.  It has become quite evident that many would like it easier to see.  Not everyone knows how to manipulate their viewing device.


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  2. 49 minutes ago, Rod-360333 said:

    The font size and contrast is difficult for elderly eyes. Could something be done about it, within the site, such as allowing a larger font to be selected when viewing?

    If you are on a phone, use your zoom feature.

    If you are on a laptop / computer, go to your browser settings to change the scaling percentage.  Smaller percentage makes the type smaller, bigger percentage makes the type bigger.

    Eventually, Hornby will sort this


    I've made this all bold out of courtesy.  I am not shouting at you sir.  Hopefully, it is easier for you to see

  3. Hiya JJ

    I am happy for you.  If the badges make you feel good, then they are working the way Hornby wants.

    There are some tricky problems that come with badges and ranks.  Sometimes, they make people feel bad.  That isn't what Hornby wants.

    The law of unintended consequences



    • Thanks 1
  4. On 2/17/2024 at 10:39 AM, LesXRN-344592 said:

    Here are some photo's of the Longsite crane and support carriage and van from the late 60's early 70's. The chap in the photo's is my Dad. He worked the crane after leaving the footplate when Trafford Park shed closed.


    Although it is not my era or railway, I know that some researchers in the future will thank their lucky stars.  These personal records are part of the details of railway history that they will discover.  

    Much like John Backhouse, who drew the consist on opening day of the Stockton and Darlington Railway, your crane images may hold the key.

    So thank you, in advance, from those future researchers, to you.


    • Like 1
  5. Hello ModelerXYZ 

    Upon further reflection, I should wish to add to my previous remarks.  Lest there be any confusion, I consider your remarks far more valuable than my contributions.  

    The main issue with the points and ranking system is that it encourages these comparisons. 

    Now I do understand that you made that comparison to draw attention to the matter.  At the very least, I do hope so.  Thanks for bringing this out into the open.




  6. Sorry 96RAF.  My head wandered away.  Posting this at 5:24 GMT.

    We need to wait until my edit time expires, which should be 5:39 GMT.

    I will set an alarm for 5:54 GMT, giving you plenty of time to jump in and give me that firm Moderator edit!  About 5:44 should do it!


    mod note - edit at 17:40 GMT.

    secondary edit at 17:41 to note that under my edit it says 'expires instead of expired'

  7. If you examine the principles of Social Credit in certain societies, you will discover the same principles at work here in the Hornby Forum.  The system in place here is to encourage some behaviors and discourage others.  In general, all societies have such a system, but usually not presented so overtly.  

    When walking around in public, do you carry a placard indicating your credit rating?  Does the placard include your educational level?  Perhaps how many locomotives you own?  

    If you do not carry that placard around in public, then why would you want a placard here?


    • Like 2
  8. 13 minutes ago, 96RAF said:

    96RAF, you wrote:

    If they (as had happened before) change a Mod's note on a post then its sin-bin time definitely, likely without pre-warning.

    Am I to understand that a comment by a moderator on my post then adds an additional 15 minute edit period??



    This is unclear. So, let’s test it. This edit at your posting time +4 minutes. R-

  9. A big part of the hobby, for me, is the research and original source materials.  A new discovery can readily contradict an earlier supposition.  

    Example: A and B are the data points.  Thus, I can declare conclusion C.  But data point D emerges, contradicting C.  This happened explicitly during the investigation of Locomotion No.1's rolling stock.

    My choice was to edit the post, to add a statement to the original conclusion stating it was wrong, without modifying the original conclusion.

    This new edit policy requires that I know all things before one post, and eliminates the nature of research.  If a person does not read far enough down in the replies, that person may never discover the new fact, or realize there is a factual error.



    • Like 4
  10. LT&SR_NSE 

    They appear to be based on calendar time and/or quantity of posts.  That is to say, longevity of participation and /or the prolific nature of the participant.

    I must say, I don't like the system. I do not deserve the badges they give me, and I have empathy for the new guy who meanders in.  Will that person be intimidated by some lofty (and quite meaningless) badge?  Especially so if they will have the neophyte level of badge, but really are an expert and just are posting here first time.

    A badge for moderators is fine.  The sheriffs should have badges, to let us know.  

    Other than that?  No thanks.  I actually looked to see if I could turn mine off.  If there was a way to do that, I would do it now.


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  11. At first, I tried my usual method of composing the text elsewhere, with <cr> but no extra <cr>.  In the older forum, this would result in a <cr><cr>, because every <cr> gets the substitution <cr><cr>.

    That doesn't work anymore.  Example

    Two lines
    Just <cr>

    Now I use <cr><cr>.  Example

    Two lines

    Double <cr>

    It is a WYSIWYG.  Which I decidedly prefer.  Makes interpretation of the text in the other editor much easier.

    Yet if I type <cr> directly into this edit box, not pasting it in, I get <cr><cr>.  Which is anomalous.  Pasted carriage returns <cr> are treated differently than typed <cr>.  


  12. I appear to be over my "attachment limit".

    Now I could go and delete images out of older threads, and destroy the content and flow.  For example: the carriages and waggons associated with Locomotion No.1.  Folks may wish to refer to them when, in about a year, Hornby releases their S&DR anniversary packs.

    Yet I think that a more rational approach would be better.

    self reporting this to the mods!  Weeeee!


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