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Why do I keep getting this error? [More Info Needed]

Guest Chrissaf

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So, I have been ignoring the"remember me" button, (it never did anything for me anyway), and happily logging in each time. Today I tried the "remember me " button and hey presto!, it logged in without error, PLUS later in the day I was still logged in, it finally remembered me.

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'What's on your Workbench' thread now viewable again by employing @Chrissaf’s bump-post workaround.

Perhaps Mods/Hornby could investigate what is causing the mismatch between actual/reported thread length - resulting in URLs being generated for erroneous pages.

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First time this has happened to me. Occurring randomly and more and more frequently. It's taken me several attempts to load this thread to submit a reply. Eventually reloading the page worked.

  1. latest version of Chrome
  2. Lenovo Yoga 3 laptop; Windows 10
  3. Selecting topic from left or latest reply from right; returning from a post or topic; random

edit: then when trying to post this reply [of course, I received the "Only 1 post every 5 minutes is allowed. Please try again later." message which is somewhat frustrating as an edit shouldn't be counted as a new post!!]; and then again when I tried to post the edit itself.

edit2: happening all the time now, so forum is unuseable!

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For the past 48hrs I’ve been randomly/intermittently thrown to this message from all over the forum, any sub-forum, any thread. There is no consistency to it. On every occasion, by refreshing browser, I can get the page to eventually load (sometimes after a single refresh, sometimes multiple refreshes are required). This is the second time I have attempted this post as my first attempt disappeared with getting the error.

Device: iPad Air (original version)

Browser: both Safari & Chrome

Edit - second attempt also encountered the error but after a couple of refreshes it did post without being lost.

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Running Edge Version 91.0.864.48 (Official build) (64-bit) on Win 10 20H2

Occurs both in normal and InPrivate browsing modes

Occurs when navigating the forum - seems random as it can be clicking into a forum or post, when logging in, or when going back using the breadcrumbs at the top. It's not sub-forum specific either.

Though it only occurred when logged in but just tested and it happens when logged out as well.

EDIT - also occurs on 89.0.1 (64-bit) build of Firefox on same OS and happened when trying to post this comment initially. Usually an F5 refresh sorts it out.

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This forum wide issue started yesterday evening and was reported to Hornby by the mods at 9am this morning. This recent issue, although it displays the same 'An error has occurred' error message is not quite the same actual error to the one this thread was originally raised for.

It does seem however, that whatever caused the issues during last evening and this morning has now been fixed as the forum seems to be reliably back on line again.

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