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Simplest/cheapest controller to buy to enable me to alter CVs?


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On my TT layout I use the HM DCC app on iPad via Bluetooth, and am very happy with it.

I gather that to change any of the CVs however I will have to acquire a "standard/regular" DCC controller, as the CVs can't be changed in the HM DCC app itself.

So can anyone recommend the cheapest/simplest controller for me to buy so tht I can change CVs please?

If there is another way for me to overcome my problem, I am all ears!

Many thanks in advance, Alasdair

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As you correctly point out CV alterations don’t carry over to the decoder.......yet.

The developers are investigating this issue although we are advised that the solution is not as easy as first thought. So the cheapest way to update is to wait for the fix (then it will be free).

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There’s a gap in understanding here I believe.

First, you can alter CVs with the app, there is no need to buy a DCC controller to do it. In fact, it is much simpler to alter them in the app.

What Steve is referring to is that sometimes, the CVs you alter in the app don’t “stick” when you switch to DCC and you have to alter them again under DCC control.

But to be very clear - you have full control with the app. There is nothing additional that you can do after switching to DCC. Except the obvious that you have physical knobs to use on a DCC controller.

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laughing Steve

I "hear" what you say, but one of my locos runs "in the wrong direction" within the DCC App, and I don't think I can stand it doing so much longer!

However if purchasing a controller to enable me to do what I want is more expensive than I am prepared to pay, I accept I will have to grit my teeth and so forth.......

Thanks, A

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Simplest is a little subjective (considering it depends upon the user’s familiarity/comfort level with different technologies).

However one of, if not the cheapest option(s) available is the (arduino-based) DCC-Ex controller.

The website explaining all about it is: https://dcc-ex.com/

A video presenting it in a very accessible way is:

Alternatively (since this is the Hornby website) Hornby’s cheapest/basic DCC controller is the Select.

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Well the simplest solution is to take the loco apart and turn round the motor connections. If you change a CV when you do a reset command it will go back to what it was. There again looking at your post you say it is TT so I don't know how easy it is to get to the motor.

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laughing Steve
I "hear" what you say, but one of my locos runs "in the wrong direction" within the DCC App, and I don't think I can stand it doing so much longer!
However if purchasing a controller to enable me to do what I want is more expensive than I am prepared to pay, I accept I will have to grit my teeth and so forth.......
Thanks, A



Ah yes, good old CV29 - also one that doesn’t ‘stick’ from the app. I have no idea about how long the fix will take, but if I didn’t already own a DCC controller, I would wait for the app to ‘catch up’. If, however you do decide to get a DCC controller (it will also invariably give you a decent power supply that is ideal for HM7K) have a look on eBay. Secondhand controllers can be found and it will give you a good idea of the going rate for them. I have bought all my controllers by that route and have not been disappointed. Two of them needed repair but both Hornby (Elite) and Gaugemaster (Prodigy) came up trumps in that regard.

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Well the simplest solution is to take the loco apart and turn round the motor connections. If you change a CV when you do a reset command it will go back to what it was. There again looking at your post you say it is TT so I don't know how easy it is to get to the motor.



TT - likely to be a new Hornby loco? Sticking a soldering iron in there would almost certainly invalidate it’s warranty.

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Just to change CVs using DCC. Not actually required in this particular instance due to misunderstanding by OP.

But a relatively cheap way to change CVs using DCC is to use a SPROG II box around £45 (last time I checked) with FREE JMRI DecoderPro Windows software. The SPROG II can also be switched into an 'Operate' mode where it can run a single loco for testing purposes, but it is primarily designed as a DCC CV Configuration box.

This could also possibly be a solution for others who experience difficulty changing the CVs of errant decoders with their normal DCC Controller rig setup as DecoderPro is very powerful CV writing software.

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Ok why is it round the wrong way anyway, every loco I have bought off Hornby they get that absolutely right, it is probably in their "sign off" sheet. In fact on the Hornby program the guy that fixes them knew immediately that it was wired the wrong way round, so has it already been reworked by someone. If you have to go down the change the CV route I assume the Select option is the cheapest and easiest for changing CVs if it is roughly the same as Elite then the menus will be easier. Either that or send it back to Hornby telling them it runs in the wrong direction, so they will fix it properly or your loco model shop that does repairs. Buying a DCC controller should not be a rushed decision, there are some really nice ones out there and find one you are comfortable with.

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There is a standard production test that checks whichever way a loco is facing on a DC track, when the right rail is going positive it will cause the loco to move forward.

This logic is applied to any loco, but especially relevant to the interconnect wiring of locos with tenders.

It is obvious to me that 100% checks are not being done after assembly, which is a quality control concern.

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In that case 96RAF he should send it back to Hornby for a fix under guarantee. I am quite often a critic of Hornby but I find it hard to believe they would get that wrong and in all the locos I have bought off them in the last year about 10, they have all been correct but then mine are all OO gauge. Either way he should return it, fixing it via software means he will have to do the same fix every time he does a reset on the decoder.

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For clarity, nothing said since my first post on page 1 has changed the fact that all CV changes can be done in the app, no DCC controller is needed. That includes adjusting CV29 to correct the direction of travel.

This is the case for anyone starting out using HM7000 decoders exclusively and extends to anyone using HM7000 for locos and HM6010 for point control.

And I’d extend this to track power where there is no advantage to using a DCC controller just for track power over using any of the recommended DC PSUs to do so, particularly the P9300 (in my view).

The subsequent discussion on cheap DCC control is interesting (to me) but not relevant to the OP who was under the misapprehension that he needed a DCC controller to adjust CVs and couldn’t do so with the app. In fact one of the app advantages is that it can do CV adjustments more simply than many DCC controllers.

To learn more about this, do as RAF says and read the manual. Yes, all of it. It is well written and tells you exactly what the HM | DCC/HM7000 system can do.

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Fishmanoz I must admit when I first read this post I thought "but you can do that with bluetooth" it was one of the advantages. So I was surprised about the rest. I just assumed I had missed something along the way. As you probably know I have three DCC controllers and the Elite is the easiest for doing this sort of thing but then that is £250 plus. A lot of the others you are into hexadecimal for this kind of register, yes someone of them do, which is not always that easy to understand. I fitted a sound decoder for someone, sent it back and the guy was really struggling to get the address right, to the point where he sent it back to me to program it. His system was great for running the locos not so for setting them up which is the same with two of mine.

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