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TT120 Club renewal.


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Just got my email. To be honest I suggested a digital membership to them because getting the print magazine just never seemed to happen smoothly overseas. I didn’t expect the discount and was in two minds about paying for double points so I’m fine with the new format. All that paper didn’t seem very 2023 anyway. I’ll be interested to see what happens with my regular Hornby membership. Probably similar

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Moving digital and dropping badges, card and lanyard and associated processing/postage is the right next step. Hobby points are across the whole company so a level of flexibility there and it equates to 10% off. With a dealer network the discounts and very generous rewards were never going to remain, that’s their slice of the pie now. Some club exclusives would be nice, a continuation of features, new models coming through and I will be quite happy.

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Presumably the other club will go the same way at some point. My only thought is that if they want to drive sales on their website, they need to offer occasional extra benefits as there seems little incentive to buy direct now.

I can foresee another change if they see a drop in website sales.

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If they do move to digital only then it would be great to see it properly formatted for onscreen reading and not simply a pdf version of a printed edition. That may help folks like yourself with various reading issues. Being able to have the text size adjustable and on a slightly cream background often helps.

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The unintended consequences of a change like this. I actually prefer the PDF version as I can read it clearly on my 15" 4K laptop monitor whereas with the print version I need to use reading glasses so this way I get to live in denial! I would most likely struggle with a 2K display of similar size.

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thank you hornby i just ordered another class 66 £109 just in case they change the benefits i got 15% off plus 10% in points plus when i started my membership , plus £30 i just saved is very good.will spend it on some thing i have got 19 days left so i would have to get a short membership from end oct to end jan 24 i would get 20% in points for that short time so i would have to renew twice in all oct 29 to feb 01 dif polnts20%hard to keep track of it all 15%+10% points when it all started it oct 2022 then 10+10blush points in extra points 2023 - 2024 what now don't have to worry know just renew it save's me money

thank you hornbyblush

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Can’t complain about the first 12 months. Enjoyed the 15% while it lasted, then buying digital fitted locos at a discount plus the 15% was worth it to.

Then as you say RM, no reason not to renew for free to get a magazine plus marketing offers which we can take or leave.

Not sure Hornby are going to enjoy it as much, unless of course they earn less from online retail than they get wholesale to the model shops. Time will tell for them.

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