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What’s holding you back?


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I was really thinking that sometimes people hit a bit of a modelling wall.



For me it’s a frustration with how long it’s taking me…

I look at what I’m building/detailing/painting and I know 20 years ago it would have been better & accomplished more quickly, but a few years ago my eyesight seemed to fall off a cliff!

It’s not going to stop me as I now have all manner of magnifying help from angle poises and head gear, but it’s certainly slowing me down 🤓

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This forum is ‘our model railway club’ 😁

A great way of looking at it!

For me it's "approval" for, and actual time, money, space. Family priorities.

So a slow burn return to the hobby, whilst that fits with development and release of other products, doesn't help with immediately supporting the continuation of the scale though purchases. I have the potential for space (shed currently full of kids stuff), I have an idea of what I want in said shed, (think new junction). time and money... I hope will come with time. Approval? Sometimes it's easier to ask for forgiveness!

I did consider joining an actual model railway club so I could contribute to something shared, my excuse for this was my son but he has now gone off railways and is now into Rubik's cubing 🤷🏼‍♂️

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I am extremely indebted to track planning software. At times real world challenges can be tricky to overcome, & if layout design/building was always entirely in the practical realm, that might easily lead to discouragement & loss of interest.

However as layouts can also be digital, they can continue to develop & grow, (whilst the necessary track & rolling stock is also acquired) ready for the magical moment(s) when practical developments are possible.

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My Main hold back has a lot to do with the big question: Will TT succeed?

I also went in all guns blazing at the start but got caught up when people were harsh about things not being prototypical. I ripped up my track as I didn’t realise that trains generally run on the left. Once I’d taken it up I didn’t have the oomph to relay it the correct way - the forum seems calmer about this stuff now I would suggest though.

Since then I’ve packed it all away, table is now a built in wardrobe and I started collecting Lego again with the intention of making a Lego City. It’s not the same though! I really want that model railway. Even today I’m not decided on TT, OO or Lego. Lego and OO are too large though and I can’t get past the planning stage as I don’t want to risk making a huge layout. So…

I’m thinking of trying to replicate the layout in the TT catalogue. I always start thinking of extras to add to it but I almost need to prove to myself that I can chose a simple project and stick to it. (Added bonus, I have everything to do it in the cupboard - just need the board).

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I'm making steady progress; that's why I don't mind waiting for more rolling stock to arrive. Just did a bit more ballasting this morning, including 2 points and a diamond crossing. Just need to order some more ballast to finish the other 6 points and then it's onto building the tunnel. At least at that point I'll be able to start running trains again whilst the rest can be done bit by bit.

I did receive a whole bunch of MS Models a couple of weeks ago, so painting and weathering those will take some time. Still got a couple of railway buildings to buy and build (In the Greenwood laser kits) and then just non-railway to decide.

I'm hoping this first project will develop my skills enough to make my next layout (a more prototypical end to end) more achievable.

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Me.. I'm slowing myself down, or i will rush it and finish it and probably ruin it.

There is plenty of options for track and locos and other items out there, in my view. More options is always good, but as TT:120 is still growing.

I have more locos on pre-order, but more than happy to wait for them to come.

Its more taking the time and enjoying each part of what we are doing, plus for most of it, i have no idea what i'm doing at times, as its all new to me.

But i/we love it, just to see the loco go around even part of the layout, makes me happy.

I had thought by now, the track would be fixed and points fixed and ballasted and we would be doing scenery.

Maybe in time we will..

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One of the downsides of not being able to permanently assemble a layout is the time taken to assemble and break it all down afterwards. Due to various issues with having work done on the house and Christmas / visitors getting in the way I've not been in a position to use my setup since last November until last night. With my membership expiring tomorrow I'd put in some last orders. A batch of wagons and vent vans to fatten up what I already had so was keen to give them a run to make sure there where no issues. My 1st batch of TTAs had also arrived.

So I assembled everything based on a hypothetical track plan I'd put together in AnyRail to fit my table when fully extended (203 x 91 cm). This basically has lots of sidings for storage as I find continually removing and adding stuff annoying.

Whilst I was at it I decided to add the rest of the fleet as I've never had everything out at the same time so everything was in play with the exception of my 08 shunters as they are not currently chipped.

This was all good fun until I came to pack it all away afterwards and soon it was 3am in the morning. I therefore look forwards to the day when I have a dedicated room and can leave it all out ready to run joy

A few pictures I took. Blink Bonney and Falcon are on freight running duty and where running at the time.

forum_image_65b65a13546d1.thumb.png.fe242c09220c996e8b28d8e7dec88197.pngforum_image_65b65a1c2da79.thumb.png.47d6f2007dd39e9f641d77e5350ea160.pngOne takeaway is that the fiddle yard was a bad design. The turnouts where a little close to some of the neighbouring tracks causing issues with some of the switch bars due to a lack of clearance but then this is experimental. I think it's best to use planning software as a guidance only and always double check before making any commitment!

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Great thread and thank you RM for the question as it’s made me think.

Timing is what initially held me back, I waiting impatiently for my Digital “The Scotsman” to arrive and when it do so (around late October), it was around the time I had to pack most things away as we were getting extensive work done on our house. I think this knocked a lot of enthusiasm out of me and I didn’t even open the set until a few weeks ago. The only item I took out the packaging with the train and some wheels were not attached (I found them loose in the container). That further diminished my eagerness to get going and I haven’t looked at it since.

What I don’t know is if these issues are really what’s stopping me or is it something else? I tend to bite off more than I can chew so I think the grand layout I have been building in my head is too ambitious for someone with little skill and experience with model trains. Truthfully, I have very little interest in electronic or art so designing and building a layout doesn’t seem the best choice for a pastime for me. What I do like is watching the trains move around and I appreciate the detail of layouts and the trains.

Not sure where I’ll go from here. The work isn’t complete in my house yet but hopefully in a few weeks I will get my garage back and then I will have to decide whether to give up or give it a go.

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It’s all a lot easier than if first looks and it’s the classic, break bits down into small projects, do some research, ask questions and then have a go. Looking at other layouts is a great way to come up with track plans, not just the basic track pack formations. It was a thread to get the little grey cells turning 😁

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The great thing about TT is it can be simple and run on a table. Simply running trains can be a therapeutic pastime I think. If time is short set up a simple oval. Or a double oval to mimic a main line if the width of the table allows. Hopefully dismantling is quick and not too stressful! Or if the wish is for freight / shunting, then this introduces new possibilities. It may not be necessary to run an oval. But turnouts and sidings become a must. But we need a tank engine in the range!

Having a different layout each week presents its own interest.

Which also begs a question to the community - any tips on the design of a roster or timetable? This would give a structure for running sessions.

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Robc, absolutely, running the trains is very relaxing (when it all goes smoothly!) I remember from years ago a great bit of advice with a layout build, try and arrange a way of running trains during most of the build so you don’t lose sight of why you are doing it!

Good point of the timetabling. I’m trying to devise a simple but engaging system. Mix of regular freight and passenger services and then changing freight loaded and unloaded in different places. I’ll share it when and if it works 🤣

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Hi, all. I haven't been around here (as a poster) for months, having been a fairly prolific contributor in the early days. And, you might ask, why not?

Well, I was in Sainsbury's car park on a stormy day back in April when the wind caught the car door as I was getting out. My left index finger got in the way. It literally burst. (You can unclench your buttocks now).

All my modelling activities have been on hold, as well as the majority of my 1:1 projects as I've basically been one-handed, but finally I have something that looks and works a bit like a finger again even though it's numb and feels like it's filled with jelly.

In the meantime I've bought all the locos and rolling stock that I'd planned to, just a bit hacked off that there's a green 08 coming soon and still waiting for news on the HST.

So, nothing's really holding me back any more. Except we'll be in Greece for the next two months.......

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That sounds terrible OldSeaDog, but glad you're getting closer to being able to model. I think you've earned your 2 month jaunt in Greece (and there're no Sainsbury's supermarkets there either I guess!). Hope the finger continues to get better!

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Ahhh the finger in door trick…. 😳 glad it’s on the mend! 2 months in Greece sounds great, take a modelling project with you? I always think of Pete Waterman sitting in first class New York/London building Perco wonderful wagon kits 🤣

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Purpose of my build is watching trains go round, a bit therapeutic.

I can't decide whether to segregate the inner and outer loops to allow 2 train running, or whether to put a Tillig 15deg crossover in to create a folded figure of 8, which would be 1 train running but moving between loops each circuit. At essentially 2m length the latter might work well?

Might put down the single loop on order and see what it looks like.

Am I right that Tillig and Hornby fit together ok?

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Purpose of my build is watching trains go round, a bit therapeutic.

I can't decide whether to segregate the inner and outer loops to allow 2 train running, or whether to put a Tillig 15deg crossover in to create a folded figure of 8, which would be 1 train running but moving between loops each circuit. At essentially 2m length the latter might work well?

Might put down the single loop on order and see what it looks like.

Am I right that Tillig and Hornby fit together ok?

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Yes Hornby and Tillig work well together. My track is mostly Tillig but with Hornby points.

I did round the top edges off at the joins between the two, but TBH not really required.

My Father's 00 is a single track like you describe, I built my TT to be similar but with dual tracks, I much prefer mine if that helps smile

What's holding me back ? Time ... need to finish a coupe of other projects first, otherwise they will not get done !

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Replying to @rallymatt, you won't, of course, be aware of the Great Greek Stash. This started off as three cardboard removal boxes exported in 2012, and added to locally at increasingly rare opportunities. There are now only 12 kits left, shock horror, and I don't really want to build any of these (except for an Eduard Profipack Lysander) but they're always useful as trade goods e.g. an Italieri Sunderland for a pile of olive wood.

I've already started packing my boxes for this year's trip, mostly tankettes, biplanes and motorcycles, so yeah, I'll have lots to do. No trains, though; they're not a thing over there.

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Haha I remember as a kid travelling round Greece (1980’s) trying to buy a model of anything Greek railways was impossible and was told they just don’t exist! I did find a nice wooden Metro running between Athens and Piraeus, stopped by the Greek Police while taking photos, they walked away shaking their heads at a 12 year old taking pictures of old public transport 🤣

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I think it’s brilliant that so many layouts are in some form of development and people are having fun.



There's one youtuber who's given up and has sold/is selling the layout he built and all the stock. Various reasons given, but it all boils down to basically "it's not for him".



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