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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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Accessory packs can be like buses....


Well Colin, quite a bit of water has passed under the bridge.


I missed one accessory pack ...

I've had some RT Models bits - quite decent ... but ...


I've just 'WON' another accessory pack - AT LAST!!

Not cheap, but I did fairly well - less than the one I missed.



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I like that JP.


I was actually looking at a couple on a certain auction site, but decided I really didn't need one .. to stop me from 'pushing the button'.


Did they ever hook up with other carriages or simply ran 'solo' - just wondering if there's a need for the coupling or not?


Does the Lima one use a ringfield and have traction tyres?


Just curious !!



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Glad you like railcars. On the real railways I am unsure if they hooked up with single or other coaches and could find out nothing on that subject.  Maybe LC&DR or WTD could shed some light ?  Certainly, on the layout they look fine with a suitable partner in tow.

The Lima models have a Ringfield powered bogie and a current-picking-up unpowered bogie. Fairly easy to service and good coverage on YouTube.  No traction tyres (on mine, anyway 😛)

The couplings are part of the bogie chassis so cannot be removed without cutting.

In general I am very satisfied with these models which I feel are excellent value for money.  I am thinking of adding a blue one, with speed whiskers, if I can find one.

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My latest buy is 6 differant Morris 1000 Traveller cars to be fitted onto a 3rd Tierway car transporter.

I will have a 3 tierwag wagon train, one carrying 6 Morris 1000 vans and pickups, one carrying 6 Morris 1000 cars mixture of 2 and 4 doors and convertables,  once they arrive the 6 Morris !000 travellers 

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Rebuilt Hornby Merchant  Navy Clan line , for less than £60 post to Cypus. Hopefully a bargin, we shall see.


Two Clan Lines now. Best look at getting some of the others.

Derek 19b




Only twenty eight to go!  That was a good price for the Clan Line. The rebuilt M/N's are getting expensive. I have twenty four rebuilt ones, but other purchases will delay the final six arriving. BB 



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@ WTD   Many thanks. I was pretty sure you would be able to unearth something. Good photo.

@ atom 3624    Al, no grooved wheels and no sign of traction tyres ever fitted. i.e. very good news !

About the blue railcar, I was thinking outside the Lima box. I believe I remember seeing one advertised. But not sure. Maybe it was a Transcontinental loco. 🤔

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Rebuilt Hornby Merchant  Navy Clan line , for less than £60 post to Cypus. Hopefully a bargin, we shall see.


Whereabouts are you in Cyprus Derek.

There is a reasonable number of us over there in the south of the island, but not all can gather together as often as maybe we could. A good few are on this forum.


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Couple of photos of the Heljans.

These locos are HEAVY!!

May still add a little to Kestrel, if possible, to keep it relative, 'though from what I've read, the model isn't lacking in the power / traction / performance department, so I wouldn't want to ruin it!!


Full scale story is that it couldn't meet the loading gauge of BR at the time, being 133 tons, and was modified with (prototype) Class 47 bogies, which knocked a few tons off, but was still too heavy ... then we sold it to Russia!!


Always wanted models of these when I first saw photos of them in books in the 60's and 70's!!




Yes, there is an Scandinavian African hunting beast on it's way, to complete my Christmas bonus 'splash' .... I'll post a photo of that when it arrives.

Fancy painting an operational - development or not - locomotive in white!!



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Heavily in front of probably as many carriages as I can hook up!!


Photo 'in the post' being cleared for posting on the forum.


Typical 'me', I measured LOB cf data on Wiki.

Seems that the Kestrel is 2mm short but the Falcon is 4mm too long - and too much shank is showing on the buffers which I reckon I can 'wind back' as they're metal shafts, flattened, so I'll try screwing a plastic not on the inner protruding shaft - that's the plan (it's reversible) and that will make the Falcon LOB correct.



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