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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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I thought you'd be saving the pennies for all of these ' Merchants'


With your interest in Narrow Gauge, TT, OO and O will you be watching the YESTERDAY channel tonight at 2100 Timeshift  -  The Joy of (Train) Sets followed by Dan Snow at 2200  -  Locomotion??

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I thought you'd be saving the pennies for all of these ' Merchants'


With your interest in Narrow Gauge, TT, OO and O will you be watching the YESTERDAY channel tonight at 2100 Timeshift  -  The Joy of (Train) Sets followed by Dan Snow at 2200  -  Locomotion??

You forgot Z, OOO, N, and HO too! And I have interests in a few 304 mm to 1 foot scale items of rolling stock.


Yes, I saw it first time on BBC about two years ago. Timeshift - Not a bad programme at all, sad to see Bob Symes and to recall now no longer with us. Some remarkable archive footage, and a good selection of commentators. How I wish I had Pete Waterman's resources, I would love to have a layout like his!


I am waiting to see what Merchant's Hornby are going to make. If the only ones will be the original ten in original condition as depicted in the CAD my collection is not likely to increase significantly. However I can't see them sticking at that.


I also pre-ordered a SR USA 0-6-0T yesterday from that well known model railway magazine and Cornish retailer.

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New to the forum (So 1st post Yey!). Best thread for a first post as its where it all begins (Buying bits 'n' pieces).


So on Saturday I ordered the Virgin Pendolino R1155 to start my new layout with (I had the Eurostar when I was young but donated it to charity shop when I no lobger "played with it". 


I already had a bunch of track I bought second hand on eBay last year when I thought about getting backinto train sets. So yesterday the Pendolino arrived however after some playing about on the standard loop I decided to shuffle things about.


So as of last night I have a bundle of track on order with some little track accessories (Hydraulic buffers, signals etc). Also couldn't resist the "Last Chance" buy of the South Eastern "Sir Chris Hoy" Class 395 Javelin train pack R3185 so thats on its way also.


No now I'm just reading up on DCC and evaluating my options (As analogue setups are pretty limited).

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  ...As analogue setups are pretty limited).

Welcome to the forums. Lots of help on here if and when you need it.

Analogue, etc - Oh dear - that's red rag to a bull...

Certainly is concidering I am a member of the Royal and Ancient order of analogue users,

and after 49 years it still faithfully serves my every need

Sorry got to go and chase that red rag ;-)

Nothing limiting about analogue at all its all pretty simple to do you just have to make the CCT that does what you want.

Every body wants you to belive Analogue users and set ups are limited nothing could be further from the truth.

Now if you said spring power was limited that would be close to the truth but even today it still has its followers that swear by it.

What you need to do is research all methods of train control then decide which one serves both your wallet and needs and knowledge the best

regards John

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You are preaching to the converted John - each to his own - springs included. I just happen to be DC turned DCC, in fact my points are both, so I bear no malice to analogue.

I just made the obvious comment that by singleing analogue out as 'limiting' in no time flat there would be a hoo-ha coming.


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  ...As analogue setups are pretty limited).

Welcome to the forums. Lots of help on here if and when you need it.

Analogue, etc - Oh dear - that's red rag to a bull...

Certainly is concidering I am a member of the Royal and Ancient order of analogue users,

and after 49 years it still faithfully serves my every need

Sorry got to go and chase that red rag ;-)

Nothing limiting about analogue at all its all pretty simple to do you just have to make the CCT that does what you want.

Every body wants you to belive Analogue users and set ups are limited nothing could be further from the truth.

Now if you said spring power was limited that would be close to the truth but even today it still has its followers that swear by it.

What you need to do is research all methods of train control then decide which one serves both your wallet and needs and knowledge the best

regards John

As I'm still a relative novice, what seems limiting to me is the level of control one has over many trains at once. Then theres also the issue of switching points and isolating bits of track that you want powered. One has to put a lot of thought into their DC layout in order to not come-a-cropper with isolating some bits and stalling trains on others.


Perhaps limitied was the wrong choice of word. Perhaps I should have said that DCC is (should be) easier to setup your layout without thought of isolating bits of track by accident (As with DCC all the track is powered).

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  As I'm still a relative novice, what seems limiting to me is the level of control one has over many trains at once. Then theres also the issue of switching points and isolating bits of track that you want powered. One has to put a lot of thought into their DC layout in order to not come-a-cropper with isolating some bits and stalling trains on others.


Perhaps limitied was the wrong choice of word. Perhaps I should have said that DCC is (should be) easier to setup your layout without thought of isolating bits of track by accident (As with DCC all the track is powered).

No matter which system you ultimatly choose to use you must make sure you understand it and how it operates and any limitations the system has.

As a novice remember the only stupid question is the one you should have asked and did not.

You are going to make mistakes just try and make them small ones and you will learn from them

Us so called expert's have been there sometimes we forget that must be the rose coloured glasses we sometimes wear ;-)

No matter what model railway you build it will require planning covering the track plan operating system how the benchwork is to be built what you want in the scenery needs to be thought about stations towns etc what kind of railway you want.

Sounds a pain but actualy the planning can be just as much fun as building and running the railway.Thats the beauty of the hobby so many different areas to be able to try something interesting and new.

regards John


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R3105 GWR Castle Class 'Wellington' 5075 (2010 tooling). Running in now. I'm thinking of removing the sound chip and speaker from Clun Castle and putting it into this one.


Also DG225004 GWR Ruston Bucyrus 19 - Drag Shovel '1083' and some remote uncouplers.

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Just taken delivery of the new Hornby Railroad Hall Looks good but wish I could get hold of a tender water scoop etc (would be nice if Hornby sold detailing packs). I haven't had chance to do a test run as I am awaiting a chip. Another acquisition is a Hornby AEC railcar (GWR No 29) to go with my Lima no 22. This was second hand off ebay. The only fault was a miossing body screw and it had a number of passengers blue-taked into it. my third is the Bachmann 64XX.

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Just finished testing my recently acquired Late BR crest Class D11/2 4-4-0 62677 "Edie Ochiltree". It has been specially fitted with directional working lamps, firebox glow, separate smoke decoder, footplate crew and fabulous sound.  

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I have purchased an LNER J15 loco. I am very pleased with the detail and the very smooth running straight out of the box.

The only problem I noticed was the smoke box dart was missing from the model. Probably fell off in transit to Australia. Luckily I found it in the box and was able to refit it with a very small dab of super glue. Now it looks as good as new.

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I havr completed my running in of my new J15 and am very impressed with the model. However, the Vac pipes etc are missing from the box so I wonder if anybody else has had the same prob with the LNER version.




I umderstand that the loco modelled did not have train brakes and therefore vacuum pipes/train heating pipes would be inappropriate..


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I aquired eight Parkside diagram 1/109 mineral wagon kits from a friend. He doesn't want any money for them, but I have to produce some scale plans of industrial wagons for him. Oh well, back to the drawing board!!

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Half an hour at medium speed in each direction, plus turn them round after 15 mins.

I have used both an oval circuit of track, or a rolling road for 'running in'. I haven't worked out which is preferrable. I also use Poliss' method.


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