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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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Well, hopefully here are the pictures and prices. (@ wtd  But you were happy, weren't you ).

Drat it ! No luck this time - first failure to date. Must be that lowsy Ransome ware !

Anyway, the prices were:  Catalogue 27p (sold by Youngsters Toys of Plymouth)

               Silver Seal locos : Oliver Cromwell  £12.50   Black 5 £12.50   Brush Type 4 £11.50

               Steam Locos :      0-6-0  3F  £4.89   0-4-0  Ind. tank  £4.61   Albert Hall  £9.26

               Clockwork Loco    £1.35

               Coaches  from £1.84 to £2.45

Note. Tried again to upload 6mp photos but no luck. Maybe Adrian could comment ?

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I wonder what the mouth-watering wages were... 

...In 1966 I was on £28 per month  😮


1965 in Cyprus RAF wages for a married Cpl living out down town was  Cyp £ 27 per fortnight. At the time Cyp £1.00 = UK £1.30 so about 10/11 quid a week. A couple of years before I joined up in 1960 my dad (a miner) was on £16 a week. Nowadays that's a poor hourly rate for a skilled trade.


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A small tank loco modelled on the ones nicknamed "Submarines". I got this almost by accident. Entered a silly low bid on EBay and ended up winning. Really pleased with it. Runs beautifully and is in mint condition. Was part of a set and probably not used much./media/tinymce_upload/d7b27b074f84fa82f1463a4e37d3fd3d.jpg

Note to Chris: uploading problems gone. You were right. 😀

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 In a moment of total and utter madness I put a bit in for this on eBay. Got it for a reasonable price but got hammered on the VAT (or should I say the Post Offices charge for handling it!). Wouldn't have been so bad if PayPal had used my $ balance as part payment but did not.


Got the "file could not be written to Disk" error so will try uploading after I reboot

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 In a moment of total and utter madness I put a bit in for this on eBay. Got it for a reasonable price but got hammered on the VAT (or should I say the Post Offices charge for handling it!). Wouldn't have been so bad if PayPal had used my $ balance as part payment but did not.



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My latest buys 2 x Transcontinental F7 class locos made in 1955 both bodies are good, one motor chassis totally shot, by the looks of it hit a concrete floor nose first broke the motor chassis in two I have a spare the other motor bogie needs a couple of minor repairs to it. and a dummy F7. (Both brought with issues recorded proir to purchase.)

Also got hold of a Rebuilt Merchant Navy class loco 35011 General Steam Navigation

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Hornby Dublo/Dinky Toys set of six 00 scale railway passengers;Trix 3 rail Warship class “Vanguard” and;Trix 3 rail BR green ex-GWR 56XX 0-6-2T

(both the Trix locomotives have convertible wheels so that they will run on Dublo track).

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