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These photos are taken outside, using a "Plank"....a shelf with track laid and ballasted.

It really needs some fencing, but the board stacks better in storage without...

The whole thing is seen below.

A local park makes for a good background!







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GeoFF03 said:


For what it's worth, here's my little 6x4 layout:



Not sure about 'for what it's worth' it looks absolutely brilliant and in 6x4. Well done.

And I agree ,I've came across your layout from various searche's and I always find myself being drawn into it ,might be because I once had a 6 X 4 and it had loads going on ,,,,,,mjb

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  • 3 weeks later...

From the iPad - if it works....




Well after trying several/many times from that icon - photo library option it seems to have worked at last.


as you can see almost 6 x4 and very much work in progress  - bye bye the old L-shaped layout in favour of a round round one.


any smarty pants who think the right hand point would have been better going the other way - I agree but I didn't have a good rh point so it had to be a lh one.

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I've just posted a picture from the iPad library after about 6 goes and getting the same sort of rejection but in the end it worked so may just have been the wifi connection to the router playing up.

picture held for moderation as I am obviously not yet considered trust worthy. I can only see one person so far who is trustworthy and has been commissioned as a moderator to boot...

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I've uploaded a few videos onto youtube of my layout in the last few weeks, so if you would like to have a look, the introductory one can be found at:

Any comments, especially constructive criticism, would be most welcome so I can try to improve things.

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  • 2 months later...

A question for Phul007


In your Flicker account video (time stamp 40 secs from end) there is in the corner a pair of flashing neon Budwieser and Miller beer signs.


I take it these were shop bought, have you any details of what and where. If hand made then absolutely brilliant and how did you do it.

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Try Trainz.com and search for neon signs. The Miller one is there at the bottom of Page 1 of the search results and the Bud is on Page 7. Some great neons to choose from.


Shame you can't see the animations, which would certainly sell some of them to me.


I can't get the URL to link for some reason - it seems to copy and paste but doesn't.

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Rob, you can see the full range of signs actually animated here.........I've been doing a lot of digging on the web whilst waiting for Phul's reply.

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Great - I've got a bit of that Electro Luminescant sheet left after putting the backlight in my Elite testbox plus a spare multi-function 'DC-AC converter' box that was too big to fit inside the Elite, so I may be having a play tomorrow.


Could be another 'How-To' for the web site.


The overlays obviously provide the colour to a white ELP (Electro-Lumi-Panel) so its a case of splitting the panel into appropriate slices and attaching a ribbon cable and knocking out a switching timer circuit if the spare box isn't enough to do it.


I got mine from elwirecraft and as my live link facility seems to have gone belly up you are looking for stores.ebay.co.uk/elwirecraft .

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's not easy showing layouts on this forum. You have to download the pictures onto something like photobucket and then post a link, hardly worth the trouble in my view. There are other forums where you can post pictures. Modelrailwayforum is one.

you dont have to use photobucket,i just take the pictures upload them on my laptop and away you go,only thing is they have to checked before they go up,but only a day

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  • 1 month later...

Very impressive, RogerB, I am envious!  I admire all of you folk who are able to create quite stunning layouts in relatively small areas.  My layout is the windowsill to my conservatory, using Kato HO track.  Gives the cat quite a startle when one of my sound locos comes from behind the sofa lol


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..... you have managed to get far more practical running in there - well thought out.

I'm pleased with it, but unfortunately, the only way I could get a shunt loop in was to use 1R which severely restricts what will run between sidings whilst two engines are looping the loop. Ah well, there's always V2 to make a better job of it  😀 R-

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@ WTD and Paul.P

Well, I'm surprised that some gents find difficulty in posting photos of their layouts. As Paul.P rightly says, they can be accessed easily from PC "My Pictures" or whatever so here goes with one.A pity that videos cannot be posted but understandable because of the file size. Luckily there is You Tube./media/tinymce_upload/f0f05ee0f1fd935ba0ed0fb1d6f1f228.JPG

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