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Everything posted by paul71

  1. watching this with interest ratch looking forward to how it looks at the end of the build and how long it takes you, its one i would like but have no room at all to put it anywhere once built paul
  2. aldi have got the usual airfix kits in from today to order online gone up to £6:99 and the quickbuild sets at £8:99
  3. thanks for all the information given me something to think about paul
  4. I've had this problem before does seem to happen if its hot and humid, I've gone over it again with gloss sometimes its worked if not i have repainted over the top of the area then reglossed that bit and its been ok, ive had the problem with decal fix too
  5. seen a lot of people talking about using this for some time but not tried it myself, do you brush this straight from the bottle what is the advice for using it for the first time. i cant be the only person thinking how you use this, so i thought i would ask the question paul
  6. an excellent build ratch the comparison against the box is amazing makes me wish i had the space for one
  7. its a good looking build like the detail of the crew, not got this kit my self got an old one in my stash i must get around to at some point paul
  8. an interesting build ratch looking good, my main memory of the buccaneer is seeing it at the airshow just after it had come back from the gulf war some thirty years ago in its desert scheme
  9. been after the dornier and junkers for some time (all ways going for more than i could afford) so when i saw them and the Me110 i jumped at the chance £30 for all three including delivery, all still sealed in there bags and with good decals just missing there flying hours, still smiling about it now
  10. Hi KC8 I've had that sort of problem before, sometimes I've varnished over it and it has gone if that hasn't worked i just repaint gently over the mark to blend it in and then just varnish over it again i water down humbrol decal fix ( don't measure it just add some water) keep that in a separate bottle give it a shake before i use it then pour it back in when I've done i find its easier to move the decals on the kit and they don't stick to my fingers as easy, if they do start sticking to my fingers more instead of the kit i just add a bit more water to the decal fix if you have any excess decal fix on the kit or decal use a tissue to gently soak this up just take a second look at the decal in case it has moved a bit best of luck and just keep trying different things till you find out what suits you best. paul
  11. they have come out well ratch, the remove before flight tags are a nice little addition paul
  12. that looks impressive ratch tanks not something iv done much and then i just kept them really basic
  13. coming along well ratch the decals do take some time don't they
  14. i do like the mustang's one of my favourite planes these do look good look forward to seeing more
  15. It took me a few days to put them on, experience has taught me that i should only do a few at a time and let them dry, found a few decals stuck on my fingers when i tried to do them all at once rage
  16. good that you didn't have that problem, nothing worse than having to move some decals to a completely different position once you have put them on. there is only a slight difference in length, just the F.2A kit they are wrong way round then.
  17. all looking good got two of these sat in the stash, not done any naval aircraft at all got the old VJ set some time ago as well as a few other kits all sat waiting must do a naval purge at some point joy
  18. looking good ratch just a heads up on decals i made the F.2A (A55305) not so long a go and decals 40 and 38 were the wrong way around for position ( don't think i made a mistake cutting them out as i did them separate) just one to look at in case they are the same on this kit paul
  19. Hi rod the RAF did have some P38 lightings for evaluation but went no further, different from the usaf versions. cant remember what mk they were but some of the differences were that the raf version had the same engines on each wing to keep inline with only having a few different types of engines in service, so the raf engines rotated in the same direction, the usaf engines rotated in different directions counteracting each other. The raf also ordered the engine without the super charger on it ( from what i can remember) leaving it under powered. not sure what armament they came with either it was a long time since i red it and cant remember what book / magazine it was in. this might give you a research project and add them to your collection paul
  20. have a look on youtube for Kathy Millatt she's got some good tutorials on there and there is a few others should come up who are good but cant remember there names right now
  21. its got to be a kit you want to build, that way its fun and not a chore to get out of the way when building it, for me its mainly wwII planes but right now I've got a jet provost T4 and a lightning F2A sat on the bench, every now and then i will do a car or boat just for something different and to learn new skills. the older kits are easier to build as they have less parts and not as fiddley and you can pick them up off internet or the airfix vintage range they do. most of all enjoy what you build
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