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Your gonna need a bigger boat

Mr Quint

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Hornby, pull your finger out and get a bigger cargo ship for the next delivery. There are thousands of people waiting to pull the trigger on TT. If you hike the prices in January though you will kill a huge amount of interest. I was originally going to buy the Scotsman set and use the club points towards an Eastener set in February. Right now I doubt I will get either if the supply issues are not ironed out

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Let’s assume that was a figure of speech and try to keep the thread calm and on subject. There has been an overwhelming response to the launch, and a technical issue, both of which have caused delays. Product is starting to come through. R-

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@ DJ-TrainLove
Hornby, pull your finger out and get a bigger cargo ship for the next delivery. There are thousands of people waiting to pull the trigger on TT. If you hike the prices in January though you will kill a huge amount of interest. I was originally going to buy the Scotsman set and use the club points towards an Eastener set in February. Right now I doubt I will get either if the supply issues are not ironed out

How about some manners and common sense when you start a thread, firstly you fill containers and that can take a while to fill, do you think a container would be full of TT.Nope they will wait and fill said container with everything as an example, Hornby 00, scalextric corgi and what ever is ready that's made in china, a container can take weeks to fill because your waiting for production runs to end and make way to the port
Also I would rather they take their time rather than rush everything then no errors would be made.
Also when has Hornby ever said prices are increasing January. Ive heard nothing remotely suggesting that.

They only announced this range 2 months ago and people are acting like they have had pre orders for a year or 2.



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It was a joke from one of my favourite films. This forum is drier than the Sahara. My point still stands though, if they cant get the product to the customers before they hike the prices in January then its dead. Everyone who couldnt get the first shipment gets to pay £20 more. You may say its a hypothetical increase but Hornby has increased ALL lines by 10% in January for the last 2 years. If they do that to the TT starter sets I will take my money elsewhere

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Regarding having a pre order for a year or 2, TT was meant to entice new people to the hobby. Thats me. I thought the club discount made the sets great value. But if £183 becomes £198 in January thats a huge issue for new people. They will wonder whats going on. I dont want to get with this hobby if the price goes up like that.

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Was this second set direct from the manufacturer, of a new production run? (which would very likely incurred additional costs to produce)

Or was it from a retailer and could have been sitting on a shelf for 3 years? (thereby incurring no additional production cost and simply settling their balance sheet and freeing up space for stock)

I realise you were responding to previous comment regarding all prices increasing - however not all costs are increasing equally.

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Where has Hornby said they are raising the price on TT120?

I stand to be corrected but haven’t they always honoured prices on preorders?

I understand you want to pay by instalments but that’s offered in the shop too, if you haven’t actually ordered a set you could be waiting a long time if the early indications on popularity are anything to go by

The days of large volumes of unsold stock in warehouses have gone, dynamic ordering and production is what keeps prices down and companies in business

PS, I did get the movie reference!😁

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Was this second set direct from the manufacturer, of a new production run? (which would very likely incurred additional costs to produce)
Or was it from a retailer and could have been sitting on a shelf for 3 years? (thereby incurring no additional production cost and simply settling their balance sheet and freeing up space for stock)
I realise you were responding to previous comment regarding all prices increasing - however not all costs are increasing equally.



I received the miniatures the day after posting and they were dusty and in a box. Looking on Youtube the new production runs come in plastic bags with card toppers and sell for around £24, not the £19 I paid.

They were new old stock so I get your point.

Anyway Hornby found a bigger boat in the end. Quint wont get eaten this time :-)

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