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3 hours ago, Trevor-353714 said:

Can I propose that we as the TT120 community, to thank Greg for his efforts for us all, raise the money to have the banner removed? At no cost to himself. Does anyone know how to do such things? I would chip in £10.

This is very kind indeed Trevor - but I am more than happy to look at this myself. I know the banner is annoying, so will work to get in removed when funds allow. The Hub is there to try and help us modellers to get the models they want, so please keep your spending money for the models listed! If it goes really well I will get a little bit of Great British Pounds via the affiliate Hornby links. 

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50 minutes ago, ukpetey said:

I think it’s a fantastic resource Greg and I wish it had been available 3 months ago when I started. Very impressive. Thank you 

Thanks @ukpetey - For anyone starting out there is certainly no shortage of choice! 

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This resource is going to be invaluable to me as a newbie to the hobby.
Would it be possible to have a section as “Service” or something similar to show some of the excellent tutorials from YouTuber’s? ie:

Matt at Highfell with his excellent tutorial on core motor upgrade.

Richard at TWW with his upgrade to the prop shaft issue on the Class 50.

Peachy with his videos on power banks.

This will be information I will need in the future and it would be useful to find this information in one place.


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Top job Greg - just what we all need - the go to place for all things TT. Great idea and looks great also (apart from fighting off the annoying banner!) but as a community I am sure we are all willing to contribute if that helps or for further development?


as an additional link on Buildings you may want to consider Scalescenes, not everyone's cup of tea, but all the OO range printed at 63% works great for TT and good value.

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Very kind Simon - hopefully it proves useful for everyone. Very kind to offer to help re the banner, but please do not be offended if I refuse! The site is done to help everyone buy the TT stuff they want, not to siphon off funds from modelling.

As for Scalescenes - thank you for that - I will check them out! 

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Some mild updates now live - Index of Manufacturers has been added (this is simply an alphabetical list, not hyperlinked), accessed via the front page. Also added a few more producers and retailers. 

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17 hours ago, GMD said:

As for Scalescenes - thank you for that - I will check them out!

I can also recommend Scalescenes my layout is totally based on their buildings and others built from their Scratchbuilders yard including my house . Now just need my freshly broken collarbone to heal after falling off my bike , I was in the middle of a track redsign so can't even run trains while waiting .

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Helpful to know @dBerriff - will check it out. Don't want to stray too far beyond the TT120 remit, or else it will become unwieldy for users, but I will certainly have a look. What do folk think is best - include some relevant stuff that is not strictly TT120, or keep it tightly focussed? Happy to go with what works best for users. 

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Unless there is a clear TT120 connection I personally I think it would be better to keep the resource TT120 focused. It would be preferable to not get into a situation where topics need splitting out to their own thread if it can be avoided.

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One of you kind folk pointed me towards MDN Designs for 3d printed detailing, which I added to the site yesterday. Got an email today from MDN saying they have just uploaded pre-orders for multiple TT120 wagons, a tanker, conflated wagon and vent van. These are unpainted and without axles or couplings for now. The link is here:


It has also been added to the freight page of the Resource Hub. Just to clarify that I have no association or affiliation again. Just always good to see more coming our way in TT120. 

Thank you to both RB and RM for responding to my query - I think it confirms my own thinking to keep it as much direct TT120 content as is possible. 

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One YouTube Channel  is missing, Highfell. He does more than me and 100% TT120. 
Im sure others would agree he should be near the top or first. 
If no space, please remove mine, as i add little value to TT120. 

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@Dodge1965 Very generous of you to offer to relinquish your space. As said in the intro video I think it was, my intention is to swap out YouTubers so that plenty others get their turn. I have deliberately not included all of the more prominent ones to allow for rotation. 

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I realise this may be a wishlist item that will only be available in the future - but am posting here just in case anyone on this forum is already aware of a supplier of the following:

One thing I would love to see on this fantastic resource is somewhere to purchase TT:120 (or at least 12mm gauge) wheels, axles, & even complete wheelsets.

(In an ideal world somewhere that offers an online sales option would be preferable - but anything would be great currently!)

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