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Titfield Thunderbolt


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poliss said:

Don't care. You should all buy it so they continue the series and make an accurate Railway Children set, which is the one I want. :-)

Hi poliss
Don't hang around waiting for an accurate one;-)

is another I would like to see done right, and just like the original set with a station only this time the one from the movie
But I would not complain if they also did the original set balcony coach as a separate item as well.
The two yellow ones

I have don't quite look right as light railway coaches :-((.
Looks like the movie train thing could work if the sets/packs are done with a better degree of accuracy
regards John
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  • 5 years later...

I bought the set, complete with DVD. I agree that the set is a hotch pot combining the 2 trains. I have ridden behind Lion when it was at Manchester in 1987, and at the time it was the second oldest still running loco.

I would love to have a model of it, l and know that one was made. A W&U replica coach is at Chappell (I've drunk a few beers in it).

Perhaps for the 70th anniversary of the film, Hornby will do both trains (Lion &  + Dan's coach on truck & Gurds van, and 1401 + W&U coach with chimney & guards van) And of course the DVD or Blu-Ray. I'll place my order now.

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I don’t have the model, but would buy the set if one was issued, as my father was a lighting engineer on that film.  When the movie was shown on BBC some time back, they also ran a documentary on how the film was made , and, lo and behold, there was my dad standing behind one of the enormous lights (it must have been about 5ft dia, as my dad only just peered over the top of it!

So, I should really add this to my collection.......


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Definitely need to have Lion there somewhere.


It's been a long time since I've seen the film, but always remember having enjoyed it - particularly a steam locomotive going down the high street .... !!



T walked down that very High Street last month - it hasn;t changed too much unlike many of the olther Ealing locations. Below is some links on Google etc:

Then http://www.british-film-locations.com/scene-1pt/Titfield-Thunderbolt-1953

Now (not quite the right angle) https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.8476241,-1.355608,3a,75y,251.84h,101.99t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHe-pEA8fpQUPiLNp00CzAQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en


But the sadest Google image is looking towards the Station (Monkton Combe




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  • 3 years later...

So, whats happening with the new Titffield Thunderbolt sets, which are part of the 2022 range announcement? They have mysteriously disappeared from the Hornby website with no explanation. At least one retailer has removed them as well....

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There has been a lot of discussion on various forums and social media about this.

Another manufacturer announced on social media that they were launching the same model and that they had sole licence to do so from the film studios, and that Hornby were in default, hence it is believed due to that Hornby has taken down their product pages.

We may never know the full resolution unless that manufacturer makes a formal statement.

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The thing I find quite amazing was that Hornby announced it. We have all seen the adverts from the other business asking for preorders, so did Hornby not see them. There are plenty of models Hornby could focus on, rather than steal somebody else's product. Was it that Hornby saw this as a product where they could make a killing seeing as most of their existing customers already have their existing range of locos. Perhaps they could make a version of the "ugly" loco, I don't think anyone sells that at the moment.

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The first Hornby "Titfield Thunderbolt" appeared in Cat. No. 59 (2013) as R.3186.

It was marketed as a pack, celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the film and, as already mentioned, the loco was a 14XX No. 1401. In the film "1401 ran through the buffers and down several roads eventually ending up on its side".

The pack included a DVD, film poster and certificate.

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@Anglia998 probably did, they also used to sell Thomas the Tank, I even have Thomas, Diesel and Percy but things move on and the licensing goes to someone else. So you don't go making products when some else has the rights, whether or not you made it in the past.

The new Triumph motorcycle company stopped all the old BSA/Triumph Suppliers from using their name.

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Personally I would like to congratulate Hornby on an (unintentionally) excellent piece of advertising.

I had watched the updates from their competitors about the fictional locomotive & related rolling stock with only idle curiosity, since my interest lay in the real LMR loco. I was waiting for January with excitement as Hornby had ’let the cat out of the bag’ that they would be producing a model of this.

I was therefore extremely disappointed when they announced packs that appeared solely aimed at fans of fictional representations (or possibly an attempt at ignoring intellectual property for those with a cynical mind).

I immediately placed an order (with my favourite retailer) for the competitor’s product (since they are producing a ‘real’ representation).

Thank you Hornby for reminding me of the value of retailers and a competitive free market!

I have carefully worded this so as to not breach rule #2 - hopefully I have succeeded.

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