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Following the decision to halt work on an overambitious loft layout I opted for the other extreme in size. I began exploring the possibilities of building a small motive power depot restricted to a 4 x 2 foot board which was to be entirely stand alone incorporating not only the track and other infrastructure but also the control gear.

Access to the loft layout was becoming increasingly difficult (age - mine that is!) and the extremes of temperature were detrimental to the structure of the layout. The much smaller layout is housed in a garage attached to the house thereby making access much easier and avoiding the extremes of temperature. Being much smaller it will enable me to eventually add the level of detail that I would never have been able to achieve on the loft layout.

The depot is a freelance design loosely based on the Southern Region during the 50s up to the end of steam in the 60s - the period in which I clearly remember my grandfather working as a driver based at Eastleigh. My grandparents lived in nearby Allbrook and the layout is called Allbrook - cum - Eastleigh in memory of them.

Over many years I have built up a fleet of over 20 locos - mainly steam but also some diesels of the period eg classes 33, 73, 07 and 08 - that would frequent the area. A requirement of the layout was that all locos from the largest (eg 9F, Britannia, Nelson etc) to the smallest could be accommodated. Hence, no curves are less than 18 inches radius (slightly greater than 2nd radius).  Access to the shed, coaling stage and storage tracks are all via a turntable much in the same way that the semi-roundhouse depot at Guildford operated. The coal stage is an old Hornby kit and closely resembles the one at Eastbourne depot albeit some years prior to the intended date that this layout represents.

To add interest in locomotive movements I have incorporated as many sidings as possible whilst still keeping within my objective of being able to house any of my locos in any of the sidings. Laying the track and fine tuning adjustments to achieve as faultless running as possible was spread over about 9 months before I took the almost irreversible step of ballasting. All current, and any future structures, such as the shed, coal stage, diesel refuelling bay, coal stage, yard lights etc are removable to avoid damage when working on the under-board wiring when the layout is propped up on its edge.

The whole layout including the turntable is DCC using a Hornby Elite and a Select as a walkabout. The points use Peco point motors actuated by a CDU switched by standard Hornby passing contact switches. I opted for Hornby switches because I had lots of them , they look vaguely authentic and if thrown gently present no problems despite their basic electrical layout often alluded to on this forum.

The turntable is the usual Hornby offering and converted to DCC operation. I rebushed the somewhat sloppy standard spindle bearings, eliminated end float on the spindles and firmly screwed the motor housing to the baseboard. These modifications coupled with a 'scale' speed of rotation have eliminated the vast majority of the nasty grinding sounds that emanate from the mechanism of a 'straight out of the box' turntable operated on a 12 volt auxiliary supply. The unrealistic slope up to the turntable from the access tracks has been disguised by filling in all of the spaces between the tracks. Another unrealistic feature of the Hornby turntable is the fact that not only the bridge but a whole rim of plastic around the outer edge rotates. I painted the rim coal black leaving just the bridge in grey and this does an acceptable job of giving the illusion - at least from a distance - that it is just the bridge that turns.

In order that I could undertake shunting operations such as coal and diesel deliveries, ash removal etc I eventually decided to use Kadee couplings with strategically placed magnetic sections of track. I have previously described on this forum the type of magnets and their placement such that they are virtually invisible unlike the large slab magnetic available from Kadee. I did try scale 3 link couplings but found them far too fiddly to use especially at arms stretched across the layout.

Finally, in order that they layout can be expanded at some later date additional boards can be attached at either end of the layout - one via a tunnel/bridge portal resembling the juxtaposition of Chalk Tunnel and the MPD at Guildford.

So to date, the basic layout is established and now begins the perhaps forever ongoing process of adding detail that gradually brings the whole project to life such as the red LED warning lights I fitted to each of the buffer stops together with the yard and engine shed lighting.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Evening All,

I've lurked around these forums for a little while enjoying the pictures of other members' layouts and I think it's high time I put some images of my own efforts to this thread.

Like many here I suspect, I started in the loft during lockdown as something I could do together with my son reprising a hobby I enjoyed myself growing up. Progress has been steady since and Bennington Junction is taking shape. Located somewhere in the NE it is purely a result of my imagination and not based on anywhere in particular.

Here are a couple of shots over the goods yard and junction where the branchline meets the ECML.

All constructive feedback gratefully recevied!


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Thanks for the positive feedback.

Not strictly a layout shot but very chuffed with myself for managing to put this together. Lots of swearing out loud but worth it in the end! It’s true what they say - these ratio signal kits reward patience.


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I would agree with BM.

If starting from scratch, it is a bigger investment, agreed, but I would seriously consider DCC - just think of the extra flexibility it could give you - locos on the same line, individually controlled.

Just a thought.


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Hi Brewman and atom3624,

I have tried both and consider that for my personal requirements, the way I like driving my trains lends itself better to normal dc control rather than DCC. My current layout that i posted pictures of is a split two level line, and I move trains on the DC section lots more often than the DCC one.

As I don't like the computer controlling my train (Yes, I did try driving them from RM) I think that dc is better for me, and putting a section of DCC on the layout would be a waste of my time.


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well on the up line runs a Royal Scot. A much altered Bachmann model now paired with a Bachmann New DCC jubilee chassis with Markits Royal Scot forum_image_62e85a3b47bad.png.b12ffe24faf63534a8ab297b9db526e7.pngwheels and return crank. Running with a mixed rake of Hornby and Comet LMS PII &PIII stock.

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  • 4 weeks later...



@Stephen in Kerry

That looks awesome. How big is the layout and did you use a specific track plan or was it just something that came to you?

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A rare visitor to Wykeham Station. Just fitted TTS A1/A3 Sound Decoder - it's not bad, but I rarely run "sound" - so it will be back in its box and back in the cupboard. The fitting was a real "pig" - all the parts went in as they should but trying to get the decoder in place with the wiring harness having a mind of its own, meant fitting the tender body took many attemptsgrimacing


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