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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. You can use any glue suitable for plastic kits. Told you my favourite.
  2. Your guess is as good as ours I'm afraid.
  3. Active link. https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Laisdcc-motor-4-Function-DCC-Decoder-with-trailing-NEM-652-plug-UK-Stock/192696880266?ul_ref=https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?ff3=2&pub=5575376664&toolid=10001&campid=5338268676&customid=Cj0KCQiArdLvBRCrARIsAGhB_szIem1HvcbMqt3fBld50qghIuyZiYwBJ3fvW0PJxKjfZQaE74DkEn4aAk_wEALw_wcB&lgeo=1&item=192696880266&srcrot=710-53481-19255-0&rvr_id=2221849956588&rvr_ts=0620755016f0aa4664c15bd4fff90541&_mwBanner=1&_rdt=1&ul_noapp=true&pageci=007c9925-b2ff-4ee4-b077-9c475a726e1e&epid=1162507678
  4. Buz, Andrex's post is 3 years old, bit late to post a reply. 😆
  5. The Crosti was a strange choice for the Railroad range. I have two and they have very fine detail. The handrails are the finest I have seen on any model. I don't really think anything else could have been added.
  6. Just for info, the loco you have bought us a tank loco. They carried their water in tanks either side of the boiler and coal behind the cab. There are various types of tank loco with the tanks in slightly different positions.
  7. Just realised, it's another Thomas item. You seem to be able to link it to everything.
  8. What does Edward's basis mean.
  9. Blaming late trains on signals or track is the usual thing, much like airlines always blaming air traffic control for delays when 90% of the time it is due to the airline. Always somebody elses fault.
  10. I guess starting out or not too many DC locos to convert, DCC is the way to go. Not sure what atom means by DCC better for slow moving. Don't agree with that. Depends on the controller being used. Really is up to you. Depends what you want your railway to do. Think if I was in your shoes I'd take the plunge.
  11. I didn't know their wagons still use plastic wheels. Open wagon looks like it has metal wheels.
  12. Same as loco drive just the other way round. 😆
  13. Tender drive will need rollers not a straight piece of track.
  14. If it manages a little oval it should be OK on a bigger layout. Where exactly does it derail, on points for instance?
  15. Thought his explanation was clear, unfortunately I don't think I have anything unusual, apart from me. 😆
  16. Locos already contain a capacitor so it is not needed elsewhere. Soldering straight to the track is by far the best way . Nothing will be damaged. I'm sure a four page explanation will follow soon. 😆
  17. I was never overly impressed with Virgin trains. Don't understand how they lasted so long. Won't be missed.
  18. I added extra pickups to all the wheels on my Lima diesels, both sides of both bogies.
  19. Glad you got the job done but can't say I agree with you about using a brush. I have painted locos with a brush many times. Good brush and a new tin of paint. The thickness of the paint is down to the person doing the painting.
  20. What made you think he was talking about a car? 😆
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