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new Hornby Platinum jubilee loco has arrived pictures

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It's interesting that at last look there are 33 listed on eBay. Almost 1.3% of the edition. Clearly a case of first mover advantage for the one that sold for 950 - there were none to few others listed then. Now we can see the market forces driving the price down as supply takes over - with people encouraged to sell them because of the high price point.... I'd suggest it's going to be an up-down cycle like that for a few weeks/months....

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I get the profit motive for the early sellers. If they can make the price of 3 or 4 other locos from the gullible then more power to their elbow. What I still do not get is the motivation that drives people to pay way over the odds for a Schrodingers' Loco - a box that five years hence might contain a loco but equally might contain a pile of rotten mazak.

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This is a common thing now with any electronic product. This is a scalpers living. Buy X amount of a product for RRP then flog it instantly for twice, triple, or how ever many times more.

But as mentioned already, if you wanted one so badly you are willing to pay x4 the price, why did you not have a pre-order? As long as people are willing pay ridiculous prices, scalpers will keep doing it. And I can’t even blame them.

I’m a real hoarder so the chance of me selling mine on is very low. But if the right offer came in, who knows.

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Hornby like any other business is just that a business. The idea that any business should pick and choose its customers is ridiculous, everyone’s money is the same colour. No business can afford to hold back stock just in case some specific customers might one day grace them with their presence. Businesses have people’s livelihoods to support so it is their moral duty to support those employees, if someone is willing to pay a higher price then take their money. Always amazes me why some who want to pay as little as they can for something (they often like to refer to this as a fair price) like to believe they are claiming the moral high ground. I doubt if one of these were to appear priced at £60 their principles would quickly disappear out the window and they would be as happy to snap it up at four times less than the RRP as any seller would take the money at four times the RRP. Whether it's a buyer or a seller few peoples principles ever extend far past their wallets.

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..., if you wanted one so badly you are willing to pay x4 the price, why did you not have a pre-order...



Who knows, people may have had it on pre-order but were let down like I was when I ordered the Hornby ROD J36. I waited several years only to find there was not enough allocated to the store.

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I don't think anyone is impugning Hornby - I certainly was not, just expressing bafflement at the willingness of buyers to pay high prices for something which they cannot use, in the hope/expectation that it might prove to be a collectors' item in the long run. I don't see how Hornby can be held in any way responsible for that and I completely agree that they cannot pick and choose their customers (nor should they be expected to).

I'm still baffled.

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Who knows, people may have had it on pre-order but were let down like I was when I ordered the Hornby ROD J36. I waited several years only to find there was not enough allocated to the store.



You could think that you got off likely. I have studied the great war for many years and have lots of books. I have never seen any evidence of khaki ROD locomotives (khaki in the UK yes once or twice but they weren't RODs). There are lots of detail on grey and black locos and a trial of dazzle/zebra that was never taken up. Given that they didn't get that close to the front (except early on and they got blown up), it wouldn't make any sense to paint them khaki either.

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Just got email from Australian supplier that they have received stock and are selling them for AU$530 for loco that is DCC ready - sorry, wouldn't pay that if it had TTS fitted, much as I respect Her Majesty. I served in Aust Navy and was posted to Vietnam during that war - could have got out of it, but I said I will go where my Queen sends me. Watched the funeral right from beginning to when the hearse took her casket to Windsor Castle. Very impressed with the sailors pulling the gun carriage.

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Sorry Moderator, but if you look at the previous post to that one, where I showed my despair for the pricing for Hornby Platinum Loco, this as an alternative (to me) was a natural follow on, similar to many other posts made on other threads.

However, it you think it should be moved, please do so as I do not have the technical knowledge on how to do so.

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@Aussie Fred
Moderator Note:
This is a thread about the Hornby Platinum Loco, please re-post your picture starting a new thread with a title of something like, 'Queen Elizabeth 2 Momentum Purchase'



Can we also use the correct wording? Momentum is relates to mass and velocity. I think the intended word is 'memento'.

EDIT: Rog has already noted this.

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@Aussie Fred,

Thanks for posting the QE train set.....I can't unsee that now!

At UK prices the Purple 34027/70 was around £260 and that set is £300 +P&P or A$450ish. I can only guess at which one is actually an 'heirloom quality' product.

I kind of wish I had ordered 34027 but will have to stick with my crimson 6201.

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Hello everyone.

24 x Hornby R30321, arrived in the local hobby shop 2 days ago (East coast Australia.), for AUD $530.00 (GBP 304.00) and all were sold the same day, due to Pre-Order etc.

I'm intrigued why one shop got so many & other shops missed out altogether?

I can't believe, the prices being asked on Ebay & it is obvious that so many people didn't really want the loco anyhow, they bought it for all the wrong reasons. I hope they don't sell at Ebay auctions.

My sample arrived in a plain brown outer carton, which is slightly larger than the normal Hornby outer cartons, bubble wrap was around the Hornby picture/loco box. Is it now normal practice for Hornby to use bubble wrap?

I'm very happy with my loco & consider myself luck to obtain one at that price.

Have Hornby made carriages to match?


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