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TT120 Club renewal.


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Ideally you want to renew membership whilst still a member to receive the additional hobby points. However considering the system might not be intelligent enough to renew from existing expiry date & could renew from purchase date - 2 possibilities occur:

• renew on last day of existing subscription - so only 1 day is risked.

• contact Hornby customer service and ask them to assist you with renewing from expiry date.

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I don’t believe anything can be assumed - there has been no information provided about how long version 2 will be kept for, nor whether a version 3 is planned.

Considering version 2 & the replacement version of OO club simply aligned their respective rewards - whether further changes are needed will be known only by the decision makers!

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Only Hornby knows but I know many of us will find out in the next couple of weeks. Personally I’m looking forward to all the freeloaders (joke) disappearing because I feel part of the issues and limitations of the club were driven by how many members they had. I bet only 10-20% renew.

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Can someone explain what version 2 of the club is and how it differs from version 1 apart from a fee. Also version 3 - if as stated there is to be another version. Why not just keep it free to retain interest - a bird in the hand, is worth 2 in the bush.

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The original membership scheme is so much better than version 2 that many people will have pre-ordered anything they want from Phase 2 and with the current Phase 2 estimated availability dates running into Spring 2025 come renewal time there is likely to be little of interest still to buy and little prospect of anything new for at least a year.

They could put Phase 3 up for pre order to encourage renewals however in the latest TT:120 magazine it was stated that they wanted to get away from big upfront release announcements so based on that I am expecting Phase 3 announcements to not trickle out until next year after all of the initial memberships have expired with perhaps a token announcement on October 10th for the 1st anniversary.

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I have similar opinion as Rallymatt. I know I'll extend my membership. It is only £30, less than one coach. I still think that Hornby did amazing job, other continental manufacturers released less of new items than Hornby, the only difference is that they have stock from previous years, while Margate had to start from nothing.

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Hello, a small update. I've had a response from Hornby customer service who have advised to renew closer to the expiry date, which in my case is November 26th..Now I wonder what the renewed membership will look like, a continued 15% discount and hobby points would be really nice😁

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Can someone explain what version 2 of the club is and how it differs from version 1 apart from a fee. Also version 3 - if as stated there is to be another version. Why not just keep it free to retain interest - a bird in the hand, is worth 2 in the bush.



Version 1 15% discount no membership fee, version 2 no discount, double rewards points, membership fee

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FYI - Purchased a new TT:120 Club membership today. Could not find any mechanism to renew. Believe the 15% discount was only for the initial/introductory membership. The new membership has the enhanced points offer.

If one has the initial (15% discount) membership, it may stay in force past October, to a one year anniversary, but not sure about that. My initial membership expires October 10 and the new one started yesterday. Hornby gave me 15% discount on the ROW TT:120 Club membership, which was paid for with Reward Points. Simple and painless.

I believe membership shows support. It can only help all of us.

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I’m anticipating a renewal email on the anniversary of my membership.

I certainly won’t take out a new membership as the conditions could well be different to renewal for all we know. And why confuse the conditions between two different memberships.

PS. Anyone unsure of their membership date can find it in the Orders in your account. It will likely be the only £0 order there.

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