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Hattons to close (now closed).


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So, Hatton's have finally closed their doors. As of 2pm yesterday orders can no longer be placed. Indeed there is nothing left in stock to place an order for. It's a sad day, I've lost my primary supplier. I suppose as they have not actually gone bankrupt, someone could step in who wants to take them on.

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I think the reason why they seem to have closed earlier than expected is that the vultures (myself included) descended very quickly to snap up that last minute bargain. So with no stock left why remain open.

The only thing I am not sure about is their Genesis coaches and a Barclay tank that I have on Pre-Order. The info on the site said the former would be fulfilled (date given in May) but the loco was being considered. So I'll just have to wait and see.

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I'm not sure I'd want staff, remaindered in February, handling fragile models in May. While I do think the staff honorable, a former employee might just be a tad angry at their former employer after 90 days without work. That has a way of upsetting family finances.

Charlie, at Chadwick Model Railways, had a different take in a recent video. While it was brief, Charlie stated that the thin margins that Hattons worked with crushed the smaller model shops, they were unable to compete. Further, he implied that Hattons closing was comeuppance for that. I literally have zero experience or history with Hattons to understand if Charlie was correct, or not. I just thought to see what the forum thought.


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Just in case anyone else is wondering about any credit amount they may have with Hattons, I emailed them this morning and got a response in about 30 minutes giving me my credit balance and requesting details of the account into which it should be paid. Having supplied this I was amazed that the cash showed up in 8 minutes. Usual wonderful Hattons experience. R-

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Yes, I've never had a bad experience with Hatton's. Even when they made mistakes, as everyone does from time to time, they always corrected things very quickly. I'll particularly miss their Trunk service whereby you can buy things and keep them in storage until you're happy with the list then just pay one delivery charge. You could also ,if you changed your mind put them back into stock and get refunded. Very handy though my wallet won't be sorry to see it go. joy.

I'm quietly hoping someone might step in and re-open the business.

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Just found out that my Hattons pre-orders are to be transferred to other suppliers. The Genisis coaches going to Rails of Sheffield. I am Quite happy with this as I have had good dealings with Rails on the most part but I find that I am unable to place pre-orders via their website and have needed to phone through the following day - a slight inconvenience.

However, I will need to check how Rails will deal with my existing account with them and the former Hattons one - how will they distinguish between the two when I try to log on?

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@Bee, ‘Right Charlie’ of Chadwick is an angry little old man trying to scalp a living out of other modellers. I have used Hattons on many occasions over the past few decades and received excellent service. The fact they analysed the market and decided to withdraw when they did, ensuring customers were served properly and suppliers fully paid is a mark of professionalism by Hattons. It’s sad to see them go, but change is inevitable.

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Thank you Rallymatt. I have nothing to base Charlie's assertion on and thought to test that with those I trust.

He does seem to be quite popular with those who vote for "best youtuber". Perhaps that was a misguided moment by Charlie. He is doing a very good job on presenting his layout.

I certainly did not mean to ruffle any feathers.


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I watched that clip from charlie, I don't think Hattons have been operating like that for a long time. Back in the late 80s and 90s when there were huge discounts around then yes but of late no not really. What I think killed them off is Hornby and its tier system and the loss of the Bachmann business. Then they moved to an industrial estate giving them no real identity. I remember when they lost all those pre orders thinking how will they survive, they must have lost thousands over that. I had at least 4 pre orders with them and then is something about phycology, if you pre order an item you don't seem to worry about the cost, whereas if you buy it in the shop you do. I did think at the time "how are they making a profit". Yes their specials made them some but they didn't make enough.

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The problem with these utube influencers is folk take what they say as gospel, even if it is sometimes wrong. At least carpet boy Sam has admitted on screen he makes a decent living out of his channel.

There are those I find reliable and those not. You have to make your own mind up about them.

The new forum will allow polls so a sort of utuber league table versus good-bad-indifferent could be posted.

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I honestly don't know why so many people get so twitchy over YouTubers, they are there, it is no worse than buying a magazine, except in many cases the magazine generally never gives bad reviews. Many of the cars I worked on had very favorable reviews in the motoring press which compared with what I was testing, amazed me, 3 months later when the public buys it we are in panic mode. I bought my latest HST on a review from a YouTuber, I wanted to know if the fans were driven and fortunately the reviewer covered it very well. Surprisingly that information was not in the technical spec of the loco on the Hornby site. Similarly I was thinking of buying Kernow's steam based coach, at least two reviewers commented that getting the body off to fit a decoder was difficult. In fact Sam was probably the least negative of the two, the other one pointed out that one part you need to remove was glued on. Surprisingly these things are important, if you are going to attack a £200 loco it is nice to know how to do it properly seeing as most of the instructions supplied have a habit of missing bits out. YouTube is like any other sort of media you watch it and make your own opinion that is what I definitely do. I suppose come to think of it same could be said of this site and RMWeb.

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Wholeheartedly agree RAF & Colin, all forms of media contain bias & the consumer has to use multiple sources in order to inform themselves of the truth & decide whether a particular outlet/person is attempting to be balanced or not.

Personally I don’t see much difference between the clickbait of YouTube & clickbait of Tabloids - I’m not interested in most of it.

If I’m considering buying a model (and some reviews are available) I’ll watch a few to see what pros/cons they each raise, usually they spot different things & therefore together are more helpful, than any in isolation!

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If I'm interested in a model, I'll hunt down 'video reviews' and get ideas - convince myself if I want to continue, etc - and I'll aim for at least 3 or 4 different ones.

Carpet Man Sam is my go-to guy, but he does miss the plot sometimes!


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And sometimes he seems to get the duffest model out there the 9F Evening Star being a prime example. Actually for all his perceived faults Hornby should be very thankful, I have lost count of the locos he has tested that I had never seen and finally bought.

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Hi Colin

You asked why " people get so twitchy over YouTubers"?

YouTube offers a window like no other. You can see what hundreds, if not thousands, of modelers are doing. Techniques, scenery, ballast, aqueducts, you name it and naturally, product reviews.

All from the comfort of home. I need not join a club or talk to anyone. I can watch at my leisure, or turn the unappealing nonsense off.

I like Charlie's videos. He is enthusiastic. His videos are well edited. The subject matter is coherently presented. He has a terrific layout. Fundamentally, this combination is why his channel wins awards. But I had no reference frame to evaluate that particular remark, hence why I asked. Now answered. Thank you Colin.


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The best I think is "Dangerous Dave" - very helpful, but unfortunately some of his old ones keep cropping up as "New" - I just love his running trains videos featuring the Deltics - cetainly got me onto a couple of Deltics, just for their sound.

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