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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. As Norman states Jacob, where is the request for a list of Hornby Pullman coaches.
  2. Did you try a Google or Yahoo search. I did and came up with this. Any good? http://britishrailways.info/pullman_cars.htm
  3. In some cases the reply is typed in the middle of the quoted text.
  4. The sun unusually is shining up illuminating the top of the door. You can no longer believe anything you see on a video or photo.
  5. That's right Eric. The things they tried are amazing. Guess it kept them busy. I met somebody who escaped from Colditz. He escaped inside a matress and then planned to run to Switzerland dressed as a member of the Hitler Youth. I was in his house and he had a picture of the castle. I said that looks familiar where is it and he then told me his tale.
  6. There was of course a plan to launch one from the roof of a prison.
  7. Caiptean there are quite a few full sized powered gliders about. Gliders have to get airborne one way or the other. Some are towed by another acft, some are launched using a giant bungee and others with a winch. The engine is another option.
  8. Nice work LMS. I have added pickups in the past to Lima locos in a similar but not quite the same way. Makes a considerable difference.
  9. Very nice. I like tank engines. So far have 31 out of my 112 locos.
  10. Link doesn't work Barry. Let me try. https://flic.kr/p/YXnnkY
  11. You need to put a piece of tape just below where the name and number is going. Gives something for them to rest against. If you use a non solvent glue it won't cause any damage. Even PVA works or incredibly thin double sided tape from Hobbycraft. 😀
  12. I like the fact they leave them off, makes it easier to add the name of your choice. Just stick them on with uhu or similar. Not super glue. I did have a Heljan version but sold it. I did buy it second hand and it hadn't been looked after very well. I do like Heljan locos.
  13. Thank you. I have no problem with the colour. I'd rather see a loco in sky blue pink than no loco at all.
  14. Something to do with the reversing gear I imagine. I thought that was the name given to the wheel not a loco.
  15. I'm afraid I can't answer that as I have no idea what a bacon slicer is and why what ever it is is called that.
  16. Might have done this before. https://flic.kr/p/YXnmE9
  17. I do the same Caiptean, pretty much the standard way. If you search through this forum for posts asking how to ballast, and there are a lot, the advice given is pretty much word for word what you stated. I use a very weak PVA to water mix, something like 1 to 10, then the ballast doesn't turn into concrete. 😮
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