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Everything posted by paul71

  1. I've got both of these sat in my stash been thinking about when to do them will watch this with great interest on how you do it and any problems you come across, will you be building the vehicles as you go along. paul
  2. paul71

    Next Build

    that's a great build you have really got the knack of doing white, I'm impressed with the decals you made for it you would think they came with the kit. paul
  3. another great build ratch the back story makes it very interesting to read (i am a bit behind with everything again), the diorama is great really sets it off and I'm liking the weathering you have done on it. paul
  4. thanks ratch i will get him these much appreciated for the help.
  5. they look good tour de airfix I've got them sat in my stash
  6. its not a bad little kit ratch, like it in the dioramas
  7. looking for an alternative to humbrol 72 cant get hold of it in shops, ideally vallejo model air as my son is going to learn to airbrush and enamel isn't an option for him
  8. first look at the new set up looks ok a bit different, the pictures look bigger and clearer to me now
  9. its not a bad setting at all ratch for them, looks like it takes a bit of room up though.
  10. paul71


    Lets hope it might a few more people to participate on here.
  11. nice build again ratch, it does look like a big kit at the side of the 1:72 scale not sure id have the room for it.
  12. Some great builds there Grumps a few kits i would like to add to my stash, like the Japanese aircraft you have a good variety there. Would be nice to see airfix represent more kits from japan.
  13. I like the Wellesley Dominic and the battle, your picture for the background does set them off really well. We all suffer from the digital picture picking up the imperfections of things that our eyes cant see, even with glasses i now use a magnifier/visor that i wear for close up work, once id got use to using it it made things a lot easier to do not perfect but just a little bit better. With digital been instant you could always use it to your advantage take a few pictures and see where those bits are you aren't happy with before you varnish it and put the decals on and touch it up.
  14. That's good to know about clear fix could save me from some problems in the future
  15. looks good andy what colours did you use on this one
  16. i use humbrol clear fix not had a problem with aircraft canopies even used it to fill in gaps between the parts it drys clear.
  17. i like the colour and weathering of this andy
  18. paul71

    Routemaster Build

    looks good Lewis well done. my son has built a few of the aircraft he likes them and they look good built and he's done a few cars he's enjoyed them all. I've built the campervan the roof is a bit like the bus you just have to take that risk line up the roof and then push down with some pressure some times it works and sometimes the windows go flying, my campervan has rolled off the side a few times and hit the floor😂
  19. Thanks for that ratch, I knew they were a yellow colour but i didn't know what shade, the colour photographs I've seen haven't been consistent in colours between them some seem a bright yellow but then some bombs I've seen at museums are a close match to what you have
  20. i use humbrol clear gloss found it to be ok, don't use it when its hot and really humid in summer or cold and damp (condensation on windows) in winter unless heating will be on till its dried i usually give it a coat in the morning giving it all day to dry since theres no heating on through night, it can turn white when drying but another coat in better conditions can usually sort this out, I've found doing two thin coats is better than one thick coat it can pool and go sticky in places underneath the kit as it finds its own level
  21. it looks good, got this in the set with the work station i got for my son.
  22. That's a nice blenheim ratch its one I've not got, like the setting and the early yellow bombs
  23. I use both but i pick acrylics over enamel if i have the colour in both types, i wash the kit in hot water and a bit of washing up liquid then rinse under a hot running tap dab off the water then let it air dry for a day or so, I've never used a primer on a kit yet i just paint straight on to it, I've not had the acrylic rub off when handling but i do hold it very lightly and the way i do models it could be days between coats and i always leave it a day or so before i mask it up and I've not had it pull any acrylic paint off but i do leave it a few days before i take the masking tape off to make sure its fully dry. A lot of my acrylic is humbrol i always use the small pots that come with starter sets I've found them to be great just give them a good stir before use, i also use revel and vajello acrylics and I've got humbrol and revell enamels and i use any combination of acrylic and enamel from any manufacture on the same kit, i just give anything a go and see what happens when it comes to painting have i just been lucky so for with this I've not had a problem yet.
  24. its coming along ratch looks like an interesting build.
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