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Everything posted by Howbi

  1. Thanks for your report 37lover, first time I've used Vimeo, seems I have chosen incorrect permissions.........HB Try this link......... https://vimeo.com/user112317870/review/405948526/3de6204395
  2. Thought I'd knock up a garden railway for something to do and run some sound locos. Amused the neighbour's kids for 10 minutes!........This is a basic Hornby 08 TTS out for a spin..... 😎.....HB https://vimeo.com/user112317870/review/405936630/f9a66523f0
  3. Cancel - Free Track plans seems to have disappeared.........HB
  4. Hi Rob, came across this etailer of components... https://www.rkeducation.co.uk/ ........may have some kit useful for your new layout..........HB
  5. Thanks for your clarification, Chris..........HB
  6. @Chrissaf, "PECO do not use DCC point clips (unlike Hornby.".......Are you saying that point clips can't be used because I use Point Clips on Peco Setrack & Streamline points without issue?.........HB
  7. Unless you have the Select upgraded by Hornby at a cost of £15. The latest Firmware v1.6 (v2.0 on a new Select) enables access to all the major CVs notably CV29. This upgrade makes the Select a very capable DCC controller........HB
  8. There should be spare couplings in the box of the Mixed Freight set, but you can easily 'borrow' couplings from other locos not in use at the time..........HB
  9. Probably N = night & D = day, to switch the cab lights.........try it yourself to confirm........Also this model was realeased as R3267XS with a Loksound decoder not TTS........if it is now TTS then the decoder has been changed.........HB
  10. Thankyou for the feedback, Jimbo............HB
  11. Well, Steve, you are to be congratulated for coming to terms with today's model railways' complexities and especially DCC in just 2 months........I'm sure we all look forward to seeing some pictures of your layout in progress in due course.........keep away from Covid-19 😀.........HB
  12. According to Sam's Trains review video the manual shows the decoder socket in the tender and also a shot of the loco & tender clearly shows the four wires connecting them so if your model has the same four wires then the decoder will be in the tender........HB
  13. Have you tried running with the blanking plate in?......HB
  14. Service sheet 410b shows two screws underneath the tender , one each side............HB /media/tinymce_upload/f85f04915ee54736cd1bd571baa107fc.png
  15. Having got your Select upgraded to V1.6 you would then be able to reset all the decoders that are not working back to their default which may cure some of the problems..........there is no inherent reason why the Bachmann locos or the G/master decoders would not work on the Select when upgraded........HB
  16. @RMRG...........Send an Email to newclubs@hornby.com........HB
  17. @Glenfruin........Can I make a suggestion that you dispense with the left-side sidings and create a fiddle yard.......the benefit being that your stock does not have to be reversed back on to the main line and makes the layout more useable and interesting...........HB /media/tinymce_upload/d71ccf575585b16d64725fc398845dc6.png Will need a bit of fiddling to get the bottom turnout to fit.
  18. You can get a new Loksound 21 pin V5 decoder with Class 50 Sound Project for £90 from Coastal DCC...... https://www.coastaldcc.co.uk/sound.php?id=822 .HB
  19. Send an Email to newclubs@hornby.com........HB
  20. If you are using Windows 10, open a good quality picture in windows Edit, crop into a square then Resize choosing Pixels and enter 100 in the Horizontal box. This should give you a 100 x 100 pixel image to save.......here is an example.......HB /media/tinymce_upload/a5754c72d3ea798670bc34d655330492.jpg
  21. The quick set volume control is CV178....range 0-8.......if you want to adjust just the chuff sound then CV161 can be reduced range 0-8 default 4..........however your Select controller must be the latest Firmware version 1.6. If yours is not up to date then you need to contact Hornby Customer Service and get a returns number then post back to them for a £15 upgrade. You pay post to send but it is post free when returned......this is usually processed in a few days.........HB
  22. That definitely will not work because the blanking plate is a mini circuit board........pins 1, 8 & 2 are joined and pins 4,5 & 6 are joined.......this is to conduct current from the pick-up wires to the motor and lights when in DC mode.........you may have destroyed the decoder..........had not realised that this was your intention to solder to the blanking plate.......thought you were connecting the 4 pin decoder to a surplus 8 pin plug with harness still attached..........HB
  23. Will..........this is the wire colours pattern for the eight pin socket or plug..........HB /media/tinymce_upload/a413720669fecfe5deba9a24a6c702ba.png
  24. Do you mean this 'Y' point............HB /media/tinymce_upload/4d61b699640baf12ad8c7119150ce3ca.png
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