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New Forum - Rank & Badges

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Is there any more detail regarding these somewhere? (or is that MIA like the rules?)

The rank levels (which show both awarded & available) appear to have no explanation of what they are awarded for, and the badges (which show what they are awarded for) only show awarded & not available.

This seems a little inconsistent. Not a problem if they are fairly meaningless - but not particularly helpful if intended to encourage engagement & participation.

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They appear to be based on calendar time and/or quantity of posts.  That is to say, longevity of participation and /or the prolific nature of the participant.

I must say, I don't like the system. I do not deserve the badges they give me, and I have empathy for the new guy who meanders in.  Will that person be intimidated by some lofty (and quite meaningless) badge?  Especially so if they will have the neophyte level of badge, but really are an expert and just are posting here first time.

A badge for moderators is fine.  The sheriffs should have badges, to let us know.  

Other than that?  No thanks.  I actually looked to see if I could turn mine off.  If there was a way to do that, I would do it now.


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To my mind its a nonsense thing, but the platform providers and forum owners seem to think it encourages stuff.

Go to your profile and click on the row of badges in Achievements and the meanings of them are all explained. Badges for turning up basically.

Just wait until folk find the points system and start awarding each other Brownie Points. Deep joy. Not to be confused with Rewards Points which are money to spend.

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Fair enough so:

• Rank = how prolific a poster you are

• Badges = turning up & discovering the different ways to interact with forum.

• Reputation = how many ‘reactions’ your posts attract.

Agree not particularly useful - but nice to at least understand the intended purpose. 👍

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5 hours ago, What About The Bee said:


......  Will that person be intimidated by some lofty (and quite meaningless) badge?  Especially so if they will have the neophyte level of badge........

I tend to agree with you, point is well made. We don't want an "us and them" appearance.

Edited by gilbo2
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1 hour ago, 96RAF said:

Just wait until folk find the points system and start awarding each other Brownie Points. Deep joy. Not to be confused with Rewards Points which are money to spend.

Challenge accepted, while completely ignoring your ironic use of the word joy. 

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2 hours ago, LTSR_NSE said:

Fair enough so:

• Rank = how prolific a poster you are

• Badges = turning up & discovering the different ways to interact with forum.

• Reputation = how many ‘reactions’ your posts attract.

Agree not particularly useful - but nice to at least understand the intended purpose. 👍

Maybe they should be

Rank - you don't have to reply to every post.

Badges - join the Brownies or the Scouts or the WI if you want to earn badges.

Rep - this should work both ways. Up and down.  Can you apply a multiple score to someone to drive their rep. 

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Rank/Rep (only one needed) should definitely encourage quality over quantity.  However nothing wrong with being helpful/informative & prolific! 👍

Badges could have an advantage to encourage newbies to keep engaging (when starting out) - but perhaps more relevant if they were kept as a private incentive & not publicly visible.

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The whole “likes” thing is a bit conflicting. It’s nice to be able to show agreement with or appreciation of a post, but collecting them and wearing them as a badge of honour/superiority is quite another.

Removing the whole points, badges and collection of likes etc would be preferable, but I can see why Hornby Towers might want to drive engagement and why they might see such social media things as A Good Thing. Problem is that many using this forum are of … a certain age… we find such things frivolous. 

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The reaction is an easy way to respond without the need of a full post - useful. 
The rest means nothing, scrap the rank, badges (seriously who thought that up?) and Rep. Reaction should be enough to indicate the Reputation. 

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I just hit the "Reactions Limit"  😞   Get rid of that ridiculous limit for a start, I agree that the ability to "like" a post to show agreement or appreciation is good and something I missed on the old version of the forum. 

Mod Edit: Your post was held for moderation due to the word you used at the beginning of your post. I have removed it and all is well. R-

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I think with fiddly bits, Hornby has 2 things wrong:

- they are misreading the current forum market, and

- if they think they can create a new market by including such features, they may well find no such market exists. 

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If you examine the principles of Social Credit in certain societies, you will discover the same principles at work here in the Hornby Forum.  The system in place here is to encourage some behaviors and discourage others.  In general, all societies have such a system, but usually not presented so overtly.  

When walking around in public, do you carry a placard indicating your credit rating?  Does the placard include your educational level?  Perhaps how many locomotives you own?  

If you do not carry that placard around in public, then why would you want a placard here?


Edited by What About The Bee
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Will all this like/badges stuff lead to more business and interest for Hornby? They are obviously hoping so, time will tell I guess. Not sure if all todays posts have done that, but things with settle back down :classic_wink:

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I think we are stuck with it as Hornby seems to think it provides them with useful metrics about forum activity. How that works I have no idea - time based promotion tells you nothing except you have a load of folk who either pre-qualified or have popped in now and then. They should be counting visits, posts, purchases, etc. Badges are pointless under the same argument. Reputation is one way and depends upon folk ticking your box. All BS in my personal opinion but unlikely to be dumped.

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As a marker in the sand, the site itself suggests that so far the maximum number of users online at once has been 108 - presumably across all three brands, although the Hornby forum seems busiest. Will be interesting to see if that increases.

There also seem to be a lot of users who don’t post based on the other metrics. Are users just those who've registered an account on their brand websites? Nearly 1m doesn’t seem so bad really.

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