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Posts posted by NWR-Gordon-4

  1. I can confirm that R9257 Spencer and R9749 Spencer Limited Edition are painted. Both have sloghtly different sahdes and as for colour codes that's a tall question, which I don't think yoiu will get an answer to. The Hornby Thomas modelsuse colours exclusive to those models, I believe. I have never found a matching paint colour to any of the locomotives. That's why the best thing is to look after the paint, otherwise if scratch and / or chip it. finding paint is very difficult, or impossible. Perhaps finding an near enough colour is your only option.


    I believe that DIY stores, such as B&Q, have paint scanners, so might scan the paint for you on your Spencer locomotive; But then they probably won't be able to produce the correct type of paint, so that's proably not an option.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  2. @New lad on block


    Good find, new lad on block. I thought you already had this white faced R317 Diesel. I have had mine for probably about 2 years now, if not just under.


    I don't think there is a different face on any of the Hornby Duck's. There is a very slight grey difference between the two Great Britain and China made models, but I've never found an entire or slightly different face (Excluding face colour).


    I have all of those in your image, apart from clockwork Toby, as I have no interest in collecting the clockwork Hornby Thomas toys.




    Correct. It's the same face painted a fifferent colour, but for collector's like new lad on block and myself, it's worth owning. I would not have more than one Devious Diesel one the layout, of which I own to of, just like I own X7 different Thomas', X2 Edward's, X2 Henry's, X2 Gordon's, X3 James' and X3 Percy's; I wouldn't have more than each of those locomotive characters on the layout at once.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  3. Sorry new lad on block; I've only just found this topic /thread / post, 2 weeks (14 days) late! Terrible of me that is! I feel bad. I'm very sorry.  😀


    Not a massive of difference between the two really. The main noticeable difference are the window stickers. Every time I see the Hornby Bertie the Bus, it reminds me of the ERTL Bertie the Bus, as both have people window stickers that are very similar, as may noticed.


    Originallly, I didn't want the R9096 Bertie the Bus, but with all these iamges of the model popping up, I am starting to want one. It's a massive pity I am 8 years too late of wanting one. Will be difficult and expensive to find a new boxed model. The main reason I skipped on getting the Hornby Bertie the Bus, is due to the fact that this model is battery powered and Hornby did not produce any of other batter powered road vehicles. That aside, I really want an R9006 Bertie the Bus now and I kicking myself (Nearly) as is I had so many opportunities before and just after the model was discontiuned back in 2011, to buy one! ☹️


    Rant over.  😀


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  4. Hi Gordon, Have you got the Ltd. Ed. muddy Thomas.Could I ask where you found it? Well done Gordon.


    Thank you and sorry for the late reply.  😀


    I have the limited edition muddy version, had it many years. I have the limited edition of 500 pristine Thomas models, with the puffed out / tired face, as the Thomas in the R9260 Thomas & The Great Discovery Train Set has. I believe you have three of them?


    I bought it off eBay a few months back, at great cost. It was the only Thomas I needed to complete my Hornby Thomas loco collection, so I may as well had bought it as found it. It’s boxed with very little damage to the box and the locomotice is undamaged too.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  5. I am only aware of two releases / versions of Bertie, form the Great Race set and R9096 Bertie the Bus, as individual product. Not owning any Hornby Bertie's, I can not confirm any differeces if any, but Google images shows there may be some differences with the printed people.


    I do wish I had bought an R9096 Bertie now!  🤔 😆


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  6. My latest acquisition is the following:


    X4 Oxford Rail OR763FO004 Mark 3 Coaches Mk3 FO Stobart Rail 11013


    I pre-ordered these four coaches with Hatton's Model Railways, back in February 2017. Yes, a very long wait!  😆


    The other week, my complete pre-order arrived, but not without any fauts, sadly! Two of the coaches were fine; However, one had a wonky under pipe that sticking out dangerousely out, to the side of the coach, meaning that it will get broken if it hit the platform. As it was glued in this position, I was not able to move where it's supposed to be.


    Also, another coach had a loose buffer in the box. Hatton's Model Railways were supberb in arranging two replacements for me, which have arrived and have nothing wrong. I never had to contact Hatton's Model Railways much, but when I do, they never fail to impress me. Great custiomer service.


    The coaches are very nice and well detailed, but suppose the extra detail does come at a cost of more faults being present. Other than that, they are better than I could ever dremed them to be and I hope that Oxford Rail release some more Mk3 caoches in the near future, with the same Stobart Pullman / Rail livery, with different numbers on and / or different type of coaches.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  7. I also would not say that tender driven locomotives are rubbish. Some of them I have are extremely good runners, but my personal favourite is locomotive driven. I prefer this over tender driven.


    The list of tender driven locomotives I own are, as follows:


    R383 Gordon the Big Blue Engine

    R852 James the Red Engine

    R9049 Henry the Green Engine

    R9098 Flying Scotsman

    R9232 Edward

    R9289 Edward

    R9290 James the Red Engine

    R9291 Gordon the Blue Engine


    The final three locomotives in the list above are the best tender driven locomotives I have; However, they all run well and that’s the main thing.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  8. I also would not say that tender driven locomotives are rubbish. Some of them I have are extremely good runners, but my personal favourite is locomotive driven. I prefer this over tender driven.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

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