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Posts posted by NWR-Gordon-4

  1. Yes, these brake vans are old toppings, plus all the brake vans, accept for R9200 Toad, from the Hornby Thomas & Friends range use the same tooling.


    Images of B952042 trom the Internet, appears to be a reddish brown colour to mused, but depending on what light the model was taken in nd how good the camera is, really does depend of it does show the true colour or not.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  2. My two most recent puchases are, to join my collection of 'Hornby Year Wagons' which I hope to complete the set eventually, which Hornby started releasing yearly, back in 1992. These are the following:


    X1 Hornby Railways R.6046 Hornby 1998 Wagon - Curtain Sided Van

    X1 Hornby R6323 Hornby 2006 Wagon - 8 Plank End Tipping Open Wagon


    Both are used, undamaged, complete and boxed! Neither wagons were overpriced either, so I am happy.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  3. Has anybody noticed that there are two variants of the Hornby RailRoad R6368 BR 20 Ton Brake Van?


    Variant no.1 which I believe is the first version, has the full capital letter product descripton sticker, containing the fleet number 'B952042'. The paint colour seems to be a very light brown colour, a similar colour to the Hornby Thomas & Friends Brake Vans found in the two triple packs, R9300 (From 2015) and R9706 (From 2012).


    Variant no.2 which I believe is the second version, has the mostly lowercase product description sticker, containing the fleet number 'B952004'. The paint colour seems to be darker brown reddish colour, similar in colour to the Hornby Thomas & Friends R109 Brake Van.


    I am unsure when this product was first release and which year Hornby alterted the brake van's colour and fleet number.


    Please feel free to comment below! Thanks.  😀


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  4. It's sad to see Virgin Trains go. I loved the company and the logo, but these things happen. It's happened in the past to many other railway operators. I saw the Metro newswpaper on the bus the other day this past week (Can't remember which day), had an advert on the front and rear covers of the free newpaper, for Avanti West Coast. It mentioned that they are taking over Virgin Trains.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  5. Mudoch was a pretty slow seller in the first few years after his release (I esitmate for about 2 years), but now loads of people want one, since he has been discontinued for at least six years now. I rekcon those two on eBay will sell and the one that Hatton's Model Railways was snapped up very quickly.




    I am not surprised you got around a £1,000 from sellingt those locomotives.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  6. You will get your welcome pack eventually. Mine took about month to arrive, after joining. The welcome pack consits of the following:


    • Welcome letter
    • Membership card
    • Pin badge


    As, Jimyjames said about the free 0-4-0 locomotive, these are due around next month. They have not arrived, at the Hornby Hobbies warehouse from China and when they do, Hornby Hobbies will soon dispatch them to the members. You will eventually recieve everything and if you don't, contact the club, but rarely they miss sending an item to a member.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  7. @New lad on block


    Do you own the complete Hornby R1082 'The Flying Scotsman' Marks & Spencer* Premier Box Set? Have you got any images please, if you opwn the complete set? Thank you in advanced.


    * Before anybody asks, no, I'm not talking about Spencer from Thomas & Friends, nor am I talking about Hornby's two models of Spencer either (R9257 and R9749)!** 😆 😉 😀


    ** Sorry, I couldn't help myself!  😆 😉 😀


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  8. uksqueezea, welcome to the Hornby Forum.  😀


    A layout inside of the dining room table? I thought that was a tying error before I clicked on the thread, but it is inside of the table! I've never seen that before. A 2-in-1 table; Top for eating, inside for playing with trains! It gives the table two uses, which better than 1!  😆


    Well done. A clever design.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  9. I buy stock boxes for my locomotives, so these can get knocked around as much as they want and I don't care. original boxes get stored away, to keep them in best condition as possible. These are as valuable as the product that it should contain.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  10. Sadly, the Hornby Thomas & Friends range was discontinued back in December 2018. This was news was though announced around April 2018, to allow time for people to learn the news. Several reasons was due to this, including toy safety regulations, other times of entertainment for children becoming more popular and the license as mentioned is very expensive now for Thomas & Friends products, hence why the cost of models were not very cheap. If I can find the news article for the discontinuation of the range, then I will post if for you.


    As for looking for some of the 2015 and 2016 models (The most up to date Thomas models made), some model shops have some of it left, but the majority of the range is difficult to find now. The majority of the older models are even more difficult to get. I would hate it if I was just starting my Hornby Thomas & Friends collection now!  😆


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  11. All of the X500 models of R9104 Thomas the Tank Engine, was made by Hornby 2008 (All models had the 2008 copyright year stampted in white on the chassis) and sold exclusively by ModelZone in 2009, via their stores and their website. Hornby did not even sell any of them, themselves.


    The muddy version is also rare these days, but is easier to find than the R9104 prisinte body version. R9260 Thomas & The Great Discovery Train Set does appear on eBay a lot more often than R9104 Thomas the Tnak Engine does. I did not come across a single listing for an R9104 Thomas the Tank Engine in 2018, but that may not mean none were listed; I couldn't have missed a listing or more! I check regulalry though, as you never know when they will pop up!  😉


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  12. There's nothing worse in this hobby when you want spares. The parts you want don't exist on their own and all the spares are the parts you don't want. If Hornby do release a part, I find the stocks don't last long and there's not a great chance of anymore being released. I wish the spare parts choices for all locomotives would be better than it is.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  13. @Kirkm5238


    The reason why your R317 Diesel has a copyrighted box of 1984, is because this when Hornby first purchased The World of Thomas the Tank Engine license, for 1985 when Hornby first officially launched the Thomas range. All of the small locomtives shared the same printed box, until the packaging type and printing changed in the late 1990's.


    R317 Diesel, which the very first release of Diesel was announced and released in 1987. Your model was made in 1989, so this must have been when the second batch was made, which I assume all of the white faced Devious Diesel's were made in.


    Also, the white faced R317 Diesel is rare. Myself and new lad on block both have this model. Most of the R317 Diesel's have a dark grey face. Well done; A good find.  😉 😀


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  14. TrakMats also do not come packed inside of Train Sets, that have been produced with in the past 4 or 5 years. I guess the reason for this is to encourage the sale of them, as an separate item and to reduce the cost of Train Sets a bit.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

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