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***2022 Range Announcement...***


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Some of the price rises do seem quite steep. The Railroad locos have gone up from around £75 to £97 which is around 30%. I know world prices are rising for all sorts from raw materials to shipping, but I am on a budget and this just means I buy more used and less new. Ultimately though it is about supply and demand and if sufficient people will pay the new prices, I am the odd one out.

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Well I have had a good look at the new range.

I would love to buy a full set of LNER articulated coaches, but they are well out of reach for my pockets, in fact the whole range is now starting to become out of my reach, so it good old E bay for pre owned stuff from now on.

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Just to clarify the discount popup. Is that buy something now and you receive discount off the following order ? Does that count on pre orders ?

Diesel Electrics for me, although they are now out of my "big pre- order" price range. I could easily spend £1500/£2000 on pre orders but that is now £1950/£2600. It has had an adverse effect for me, I will now only but the odd loco, just can't afford the £300 to £500 price tags now. Gone are the days of buying a Class 43 set and 9 coaches !

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Some interesting new models, I like the new EMUs though not my period, but sure they will go down a storm with the present day modellers:

The new LENR coaches are going to go well with many peoples A4’s.

a second run on theLMS coaches are good might go for set this time.

mind couldn’t help myself and have put a order in for the Turbimotive and the LMS black 5.

City of London would go nicely with my City of Leicester I have to say.

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I was able to place my orders for the LNER CORONATION TRAIN, A4 Empire of India. I also wanted to order the reissued SR Channel Packet MN. Could not find listed under new range. however after some research found out the R number and traced it on the Web page only to find it was sold out, but they were taking pre-orders for it so placed a pre-orders.

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Hornby call the forthcoming period Dec 2021 to March 2022 the Winter 2022



Oh dear, Hornby trapped in their tiny Margate bubble. In the real world, both meteorological and astronomical, winter is from 2021 Dec to 2022 March, and of course in 2022 it is again winter in December............... unless of course,,, you are not in Margate, but in the other half of the world, the southern hemisphere, this winter nonsense DOES NOT WORK. Even spring, summer, autumn , understandable for Margate ,is wrong for half the world. One would hope they draft their contracts with a bit more thought. Here's a thought, why not borrow the plan used by the rest of the world, or "ROW" as Hornby dismissively call it. .... First Quarter, Second Quarter etc. They could even use Q1, Q2, if they wanted to borrow from a forward thinking Formula 1

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Whilst it's nice to see 2 different members of the Class 50 fleet represented at these prices (£224!) it's not unreasonable for them to be factually correct. I'm hoping that the images shown on the website are just mock-ups from previous releases as the ones shown have numerous detail errors - the main ones being:

50044 never ran with black window surrounds in original NSE livery but it did have crests. It also had a white stripe along the body guttering.

50042 never ran with an orange cant rail stripe in BR days (unless the idea is to represent it in preservation)

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Hornby fell out with Hattons over a year ago, they give virtually zero stock. It appears they are trying hard with all their other retailers. I had a mail from Derails saying that Hornby are yet again changing the way they do business. The lunatic is certainly running loose.

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I notice Hattons don't appear to have anything about the Hornby 2022 range on their site. Maybe just pulling it all together, but others have managed it already. Or is it another fall out with a major box shifter?



Hornby removed Hattons from their Tier 1 suppliers, consequently they will only get the leftovers once other distributors have had their orders filled.

Hardly surprising that Hattons aren’t advertising products they are unlikely to be able to supply.

The only losers are the customers.

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A few years ago both the small model shops and many customers where moaning about how the big boys ie Hatton and others could buy 100s of one models and then discount it due to them bulk buying power.

It was putting small shops out of business. So both Hornby and Bachmann decided that shops could no longer discount above a certain amount 10% or something similar for a set period 10 weeks or something like that. To even up the selling power of all shops.

This was brought in to aid the smaller shops and it was what many modellers wanted.

At roughly the same time some shops started to produce their own models to increase income, However picking models that the manufacturers make themselves hit their profits which didn’t go down well.

Short story Hornby decided enough was enough and Hattons where put on the naughty step. You do not bite the hand that feeds you. And though hattons seem to be ok at the moment I think the fall for hattons is still to bite as when the parents of little xxxxxxx what’s a new train for there birth well it’s unlikely to be from Hattons in the future.

Is it anyones fault we find ourselves in the partion we find our ourselves today. I tend to think it’s everyone’s including the customers

ps sorry for spell on bus with a mask and can’t were glasses as they steam up

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It's nice to see that at last, Hornby has considered producing LMS 6202 - Turbomotive, and looking forward to it arriving like everyone else of course.

However, as usual Hornby have only done half the job IMO. Why not produce the re-built version i.e. "Princess Anne", to complete the story? That might be another 50 year wait, so we'll all miss out in any case.

Princess Anne, wouldn't be that hard to produce, surely.

We have both versions of the Hush Hush, Duke of Gloucester, a myriad of A4's, Princess's blah, blah etc,

Any thoughts/support for the "Princess Anne"?

Thanks in advance.

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Princess Ann (Princess class) would be a lot more complicated to reproduce.

When you look at her she looks a bit like a Princess Coronation without smoke deflectors.

But she isn’t either or, both in body and chassis. So you would need design and make all the tooling for a locomotive that was around for a very short time. Less then 6 months Had one livery and was involved in the deaths of 112 people and 340 injuries. Not a glowing record in anyone’s book. And might be frowned upon on by parents reading the back of the model box well thinking of buying it for their son/daughter’s birthday.

However her frames were actually reused for the repair of City of Glasgow has her own where bent in the crash. And if you can find images of City of Glasgow after the crash differences can be seen between her and the rest of the Coronation locomotives.

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Princess Anne, wouldn't be any more complicated to produce than any of the other locos and their variations that Hornby has produced, The fact that it only lasted six months before it's terrible demise at Harrow, is irrelevant and it's history is a well known story, so i don't see the need to dwell on what happened to it in the end on this forum. How many other loco's do we have that have been involved in tragedies with loss of life. Indeed people still use Harrow & Wealdstone station. (I've been there.)

In any case, it's short history, and the fact that it was a Hybrid makes it of even more interest to me and possibly other persons interested in the Princess/Coronation/LMS/BR history.

Don't worry about what happened to it's frame and tender, as its irrelevant i.e. scrap it or re-use it!

You've over annualized and dramatized the situation, for some obscure reason.

There are models of City of Glasgow, the Fowler 2-6-4 tank engine and rollingstock (Hush Hush - W1), which were involved in the same incident, so what's the difference?

Anyhow, i would like to see one considered for production by Hornby or any other manufacturer.

Thanks in advance.

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No it’s history of the loco many people like to know something about the model.

However if your off the opinion that history of a engine and the livery being part of the history of a locomotive doesn’t matter. Hornby can paint a locomotive Any colour it wants and you are happy to buy it.

No I’ve said my thoughts as a modeller not a Collector no over analysis or dramatics needed.

W1 was not involved in the same incident, I suggest you try reading up on it.

As for the model with the Turbomotive a new body was pretty much all that was needed, stuck On a princess Royal chassis.

However, I should have made it clear and apologies for my error is of course Hornby could produce a model it’s not any harder then any other. But you would need to tool up from scratch to produce it a new chassis and body, so costing more to bring to the shops. for a model with one livery. Even those that want one would only ever need one. Unlike say the W1 etc.

Saying that it’s highly possible that a smaller company might produce it as a model. Maybe the same company that’s done the GT3. (Sorry can’t remember the name at the moment)

though I would like the Fury.

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It looks like I'll have to choose my words a bit more carefully. My reference to the W1, was not meant to be linked to Harrow, merely to point out that there are plenty of other "one off" locomotives involved in serious accidents, which we still have models of. I don't need to read up British Railways major incidents, I've read more than enough on the subject. Thanks for your input on the subject.

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Has anyone else noticed the disparity over DCC sockets. If you take R3994 Golden Fleece it has a 21 pin DCC socket, but if you take the Hornby Dublo Gannet or Sir Nigel Gresley they have the 8 pin socket. The Hush Hush has a 21 pin socket whereas my one is 8 pin. It also happens with the Merchant Navy class and many more. I assume it is just a change of PCB like the old 21 pin sockets they used before, which fit on the same posts as the 8 pin variety, but you would have thought there would be consistency between models of the same class. I suppose if one of the class has a 21 pin socket then they probably they will all have 21 pin sockets, it is just the catalogue hasn't caught up.

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Maybe, your guess is as good as mine. Even if they aren’t I would guess that the range will go all 21 pin eventually. It makes life easier for the owners to upgrade with lights smoke etc. this year announcements do seem to be rising a few questions

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There will be 4, 6, 8 and 21 pin variant decoders - (possibly even Next 18 as some of the International locos are being fitted with them this year) - in non sound or sound as applicable to the fit. Obviously there will never be 4 or 6 pin sound decoders.

You will have to wait for the spec sheets to see how capable and versatile these will be, but they will certainly be much better featured than the basic R8249 / TTS spec - and if the quoted £25 price of the 21-pin non sound decoder is anything to go by they will be a bargain.

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