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Items posted in incorrect forum


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Personally I think all video links should have a dedicated section of their own. It does not offend me if they are posted in the general discussion as there is nowhere else to post them at present as long as it is model train videos.

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The new platform is expected to provide user blog space, so a member can lodge all their own stuff there and post a simple link on the forum to any updates.

Once the mods get their sticky hands on it to try we will know more.

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…When Hornby transitioned to this forum, some great content went missing. It would be a shame if that error was repeated.

A question we have asked more than once and been assured more than once that nothing will be lost.



Considering the opening statement currently viewable on this forum… I would strongly recommend everyone decides for themselves how much they wish to trust Hornby assurances regarding forum posting preservation. Especially considering Hornby may not even be directly in control of the data & how it is migrated! The road to *nowhere* is paved with good intentions!

Anyone who has posted detailed & pictorial posts that they value highly, may wish to ensure they possess their own archive. I very much hope my cynicism proves unfounded - however I don’t believe backing up to ever be a waste of time/effort.



** replaced blacklisted word

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First of all I want to thank you for the good wishes sent for our Jasmine. With a lot of care and love she is now better and we hope everything goes well. My basic knowledge of the English language perhaps hurt me to express my thoughts. All Italians they love the English people and their traditions. Affirming that 90 pct loves the English monarchy in our country is the greatest moral recognition that can be made for the ruling house of Windsor. We must understand that in Italy our monarchy has brought and delivered the Italy to fascism, it promulgated racial laws and brought death and destruction everywhere until it brought it to Italy in 1943. By specifying this you can understand that in Italy no royal is loved, saying that we love Windsor 90% is an exceptional compliment.

I apologize and get to the reason for my message because I have read several comments and I apologize for the inconveniences created.Obviously and in all sincerity I only agree with one criticism I send my videos to promote my very small youtube channel.This with extreme honesty.I do not However, I want to cause problems for anyone so if, as I have read, authoritative members of this prestigious forum believe that old trademarks should not be posted even in Hornby International, I ask you, or rather I beg you, to delete all my posts because I do not have this possibility despite having tried since yesterday.

Thank you for your attention and patience and I also express on behalf of my wife all our sympathy for the United Kingdom.

I love Talisker aged 10 years, I smoke Dunhill grinds, my favorite blend is the London Mixture, I have hundreds of issues of Hornby magazine in paperback......in short, even if you cancel me I understand and I sincerely apologize to everyone and you.

Best regards,

Alberto (Aldebaran)

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This reply copied from Alberto's other thread.


In my opinion you should never have been subjected to any form of percieved criticism and I am sure that others will support my view.

I believe you have read far too much (negatively) into the recent forum posted comments.

Basically, some of your recent videos featured model brands that are considered on the forum as being 'International' brands and it was suggested that placing those videos in the 'International Brands' sub-forum would bring your videos to an audience that would appreciate them all the more.

Your belief that you are being asked not to post your videos for non Hornby brands is not correct, you are free to post videos on any brands, whether Hornby ones or not.

In conclusion.

You have absolutely nothing to apologise for. If anything, the forum should apologise to you for causing you unnecessary distress.

You are a total Gentleman and polite to the extreme in your posts, something that others could learn from.

Paul H.

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100% in agreement with Paul and Nick above.


your love for model railways and dogs almost guarantees you British citizenship should you wish! I would point out General Discussion is just that, nothing specific. I love continental models, I have since being 12 when I bought a Piko BR118 in Bulgaria and the love of continental models has never left me, so interesting to see and for many years so much better too. Seeing your various settings is everything the hobby is about, please make sure you keep posting and the General Discussion seems entirely appropriate to me as it’s a wide reaching inspiration, rather than a specific Hornby International subject. We all love seeing the Jasmine’s cameo appearances and so good to hear she is doing so well

Ciao Amico

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@Rallymatt wrote:
I love continental models, I have since being 12 when I bought a Piko BR118 in Bulgaria and the love of continental models has never left me...



Heavy old brutes those models!! Hoping my N gauge bridge built from a card kit doesn't collapse under the weight!


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Ha ha they can pull anything, my first purchase was the ‘sunshine cab’ varient in blue and cream, cost the equivalent of £4 brand new in the only department store in Bulgaria (Sofia) I bought the regular version a few years later, all wheel drive and pick ups, central motor with cardan shafts and two lumps of steel bar down each side for traction…each could pull 50 Hornby Dublo Prestflo wagons (it’s a long story) without a stutter not bad for 70’s tech 👍

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All this has come about by someone grumbling about about posts relating to non-Hornby and mostly European models being posted in the 'wrong' forum. To my mind this is a General model railway related forum, and as such what does it matter if the topics discussed relate to international models. All it has achieved is upsetting a very mild mannered gentleman who loves to post videos of his trains for the enjoyment of all.

I think maybe it's the Hornby international Forum that should be side lined. I repeat, this is a General Forum.

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Anyone who has been made to feel that the separate forum sections are the unwelcome relations of ‘general discussion’ (to be hidden away) - has in my opinion been horribly misled.

I believe that they are actually intended to be dedicated spaces where only discussion of particular topics is allowed & thread drift is frowned upon. This (I believe) is simply to ensure those topics don’t get drowned in the raucous cacophony of the ‘general discussion’ playground!

I naturally believe that anything (appropriate/relevant) to our hobby should be allowed to be posted in ‘general discussion’ - however unwary new posters should be informed about/encouraged to use the other sections (for relevant topics) to ensure their posts are seen, heard & not swamped/lost.

Obviously information & encouragement needs to be provided carefully, positively & with consideration for potential misunderstandings.

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