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Everything posted by gilbo2

  1. I hope CV's can get saved in the future, would be really helpful?
  2. If the website is to be believed, Spring this year. I've gone for the Black 5 version, due Autumn. If it works as well as this video I'll be quite happy. Just need to save the pennies, lots,
  3. Wow, that photo does bring a different perspective to the size, its amazing what quality "scenery/structure " brings.
  4. Good progress @Grenkin, the real interesting phase . I spent weeks in the end with SCARM, its such a powerful tool, but at some point you have to go with it like you are now
  5. Looks good @Dodge1707823134, at the end of the day all that matters it what works for you
  6. Looks good @MikeMart, from the photo its quite difficult realise just how much of a space saver it really is.
  7. From other posts it seems the attachment limit issue has been flagged up so should hopefully get resolved soon.
  8. You've not got the special moderators badge yet that resets everything to zero LOL
  9. I must admit, this does look and sound impressive!..... R3983SS Demo Video
  10. Your welcome. Sounds like your attachment issue could be quota related, can check it here: Attachments
  11. @SteveM6 I think the trouble is when you select Home, brands, Hornby the screen is full of the pinned posts. If you go to page 2, the unread posts at least have the red spot. That's as close as I can work out for seeing unreads from your tick selection!
  12. Thanks @96RAF for the update, saves me looking for it
  13. I just tried this on my iPad for you using Brave and Safari and it works fine. I wonder if there is something on your account itself that is stopping you from adding attachments. Maybe a mod can help you check your account @Ratch ?
  14. It all gets too complicated doesn't it, especially when you first come to the forum!
  15. If you re-select brands then Hornby, it should filter on Hornby ticks.
  16. Good to know, thanks. It's good we have the freedom in the App to effectively create our own function maps for "unknown" decoders.
  17. Thanks for that @SteveM6, sounds like my original assumption on how to use the dongle was too not far off the mark. Sounds all quite straight forward . Next on my list, point control, but we'll leave that one for now
  18. Brilliant, thanks for that @Moccasin & @96RAF, you have given me the reading I needed
  19. In preparation for the imminent arrival of the Legacy Dongle, I've been trying to look for any manuals to get my homework done. I can see a "quick start" in the HM7000 DCC Guides area, but no more detail. I also cannot see much in the Reference Manual, unless I've missed it ! Specifically, the Quick Start says in section 6D, ensure your DCC loco is setup in the app, but doesn't give any more information on what that means. I'm sure its easy when you know, but until then, I've created a (DCC) loco in the engine shed, but how do you make it appear in the control screen, do you just assign the dongle to multiple DCC locos in the shed?
  20. I see a quick start guide is also available to download for the dongle, Dongle Quick Start Guide Wonder if the pre-orders will ship in the coming week, no payment email yet though?
  21. I can remember the old days on here where a good technical discussion would then drift off topic into some parallel universe, really unhelpful TBH when trying to stay focused on the technical side you were researching. Sometimes its good for the soul to break away from the detailed technical stuff as long as its separate to main discussions, which I thought was the proposal.
  22. I must say that I'm well impressed by the photos in this thread, incredible detail, well beyond my own skill level I feel
  23. gilbo2


    Interesting that I've not visited the Airfix forum before, I guess that is what they were hoping with the revamp to get more visible integration and interest across the brands. May be that's worked
  24. Agreed, hopefully in time things will improve, until then it’s just more clicks to learn 😳
  25. Such a shame the old videos were taken down, but I wish Barrie well and I respect his decision.
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