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Average Age


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Bringing us away from a line of conversation that could go where it need not I safely take us back to this topic...


The total number of ages thus far (I leave out spurious or misleading ones) declared is 90.


Of those 90 some had to be worked out due to dates posted to the forum...


The total for those ages so far added is: 5,278.


I ignored months offered up and rounded to integars.


The average age of the members who posted here is therefore: 58.6444 recurring.


The oldest is 87 years young and when you collate the numbers you'll be surprised how many are 50 and below.


So what's next? Are we now to work out how far above and below the average we are?


If so, I am 3 months above the average age for posters to this thread. It may be safe to assume this will be extremely close to the average age of everyone on the forum as not all would post here.

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  • 6 years later...

Well Toby, you've resurrected a 6-y-o thread, but welcome to the forum and it's great to read there's enthusiasm in the 'younger generation' as well.

Many will consider this 'private information', which is their right.

Others like me, don't care!

I'm 63.

I started when your age, stopping 10 years later for perhaps 35 years, and can now count myself an active fellow enthusiast.


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Surely the ‘point’ is simply a demonstration that those willing to disclose come from a (reasonably) wide range.

The fact that this forum encourages participation from such a range is (hopefully) a positive reflection on both Hornby & the moderators.

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Seeing such a wide age range should remind users that not all members are old duffers and to temper any comment to suit the members age if anyone can remember it. I am thinking here more towards respecting our junior members.

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